Author Topic: Day One: Garry's bad, bad incident.  (Read 2183 times)

So, some company that made this one game called "Day One: Garry's Incident" took down TotalBiscuit's review video of the game..

(watch this video since it explains it better than me)

If you don't want to watch the video, I still highly recommend it because every penny the guy that made it gets he gives it to some Electronics (something something) organization which tries to stop this kind-of stuff from happening.

If you still don't want to watch the video then i'll briefly explain it;

Totalbiscuit (A VIDEO GAME REVIEWER) recieved a REVIEW CODE for "Day One: Garry's Incident", he did a review, said it was stuff and it was. The company (who gave the REVIEWER a REVIEW CODE) took it down for COPYRIGHT REASONS and said that TotalBiscuit was not allowed to advertise against the game.

Now, I REALLY REALLY REALLY suggest you watch all of the video because I may have made a mistake in explaining it, or I didn't explain it enough. Also, the reason this is in Off-Topic is because it's more about censorship and freedom rather than the game itself.

Just watched this maybe an hour ago.

TB's having some bad times. :/

I was watching that and then yeah, thread was made

is youtube's stuffty system for this stuff really news

I just "watched" Nerd3 review it.

its like warz but worse

TotalBiscuit was not allowed to advertise against the game.
Does the company know the definitions of "review" or "criticism" or did they get their heads stuck on their keyboards during the game's development?

Hmm, after TB's review of War Z or whatever it was called (Infestation: Survivor Stories) it eventually got pulled off the store by Valve.
Wonder if not only the review but also these happenings will cause that.
Hopefully that at least gets done.

Valve should ban the developer of Day One from publishing any game on Steam.
This behavior is unacceptable.

I'm in the comment section messing with people.

Quote from: Steam page
Key Features :

Adjustable FOV
Since when was adjustable FOV a valid selling point?

EDIT: TB's video on dailymotion:
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 06:45:39 PM by Skull Candy »

Since when was adjustable FOV a valid selling point?
There's an add-on on Blockland that has dynamic field of view lol

and I'm pretty sure many other valve games lets you change your FOV.

There's an add-on on Blockland that has dynamic field of view lol

and I'm pretty sure many other valve games lets you change your FOV.
I know that adjustable FOV is possible, I'm saying that it's not a valid selling point, but the developers seem to think otherwise...