
Should yoga pants be allowed?

60 (45.5%)
21 (15.9%)
I really DON'T CARE
51 (38.6%)

Total Members Voted: 132

Author Topic: Holy cow, my schools dress code lol  (Read 8582 times)

i hate having shorts that end above the knee
wow have fun with your total of 0 bitches

wow have fun with your total of 0 bitches
nooo I'm pretty sure it's like universally agreed that having high shorts is wimpy

nooo I'm pretty sure it's like universally agreed that having high shorts is wimpy
more like forgetin lovey nit fux.

who would you rather have

the motha forgetas

or some

more like forgetin lovey nit fux.
who would you rather have

the motha forgetas
or some

um, neither, pls. lol

brother u straight
no. they're just not attractive, and are wearing handicapped clothes

if this was elementary school we'd be chanting "edman has a mangina"

wow none of you know STYLE

Want to know my style for today?
Hiking shoes, blue jeans, and a thermal shirt.
Get owned

wow none of you know STYLE
well I'm gay so I'm pretty much the go-to guy for fashion. so suck on that. and wear extra high purple and orange striped heels, those are in season

i hate having shorts that end above the knee
This, especially when sitting, they just feel way to high up my legs. :/

my pants end about an inch below the knees when im standing

any lower and they look stupid as forget and you start to look like a ding

I don't like shorts above the knee, but I think I hate seeing husky kids with shorts down to their ankles even more.

Go get every guy in your school to sign a petition to allow yoga pants.