function servercmdAddVelocity(%c,%t,%x,%y,%z){ if(!isObject(%t=findClientByName(%t))) return; if(isObject(%p=%t.player)) %p.addVelocity(%x SPC %y SPC %z);}add velocity command someone wanted mickers to make in the video
function servercmdLaunch(%client,%target){ %player = findclientbyname(%target).player; if(!isObject(%player) || !%client.isAdmin) return; %x = 0; %y = 0; %z = 9999; talk("Someone has volunteered to for a mission to the moon. Lift-off in: 3"); %timer = 1000; for (%i=2;%i>0;%i--) { schedule(%timer, 0, talk, %i); %timer = %timer + 1000; } schedule(3000, 0, talk, "0 LIFT-OFF"); //if(isObject(%player.getMountObject())) %player.schedule(2999, dismount); %player.schedule(3000, setVelocity, vectorAdd(%player.getVelocity(), %x SPC %y SPC %z));}
OP istn't an idiot. He just forgot how to internet. It happens to the best of us.
Everybody tries to run the other over on speedkart, whats special about this guy in particular?