Author Topic: HOLY stuff GUYS IM GETTING HACKED  (Read 20578 times)


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« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 07:48:21 PM by Badspot »

you will post an uncensored version of that link, to answer your question.

"You don't have to believe me though"

Good because I don't.

Lol. This is really funny. Let's hope Broken dies in a crowd of viruses.

also what's the problem?

>Threatens to DDoS
>Obviously doesn't realize he's almost admitting to a federal offense lol

to get to a more interesting theme, why are you using the wallhack while taking these pictures?

knife tdms are really degrading lately

i should probably host one later once i figured out how Slayer works; they're easy as stuff to build anyway

to get to a more interesting theme, why are you using the wallhack while taking these pictures?
he's spectating

Wait is it an addon to see peoples health or thats default?

Um...anyone can track anyone's IP address....I don't see anything worrisome here.

Um...anyone can track anyone's IP address....I don't see anything worrisome here.
you keep missing jokes like my high school football team misses passes

oh stuff zealot has blhack banbanbanban

this is like hitting two birds with one stone: zalot is using a hack and broken is administering a key logger!