Author Topic: ODST  (Read 1238 times)

i want an odst helmet like this:

when put on, it would have a faint blue F.O.V vignette like in the game.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 09:42:04 AM by bambooXD »

I don't think they have faint blue Fov.

FOV is Field of View, and it is an angle, not a color.

I think he means the visor should be tinted.

you dont think i know that?

FOVs cannot be tinted.
That's like saying that your favorite number is blue.

i think he wants somesort of blue tint when worn, sort of like gravity cat's NVG with the transparent green layer when worn

Okay, going to clear this out.

FOV is the range of which things render. OP has it wrong, and means an OVERLAY or VIGNETTE.

i think he wants the same thing as the night vision goggles except blue and in the form of this helmet

i think he wants the same thing as the night vision goggles except blue and in the form of this helmet
that's exactly what i said.

soooo nobody wants to cooperate? i mean, i really need this.

Talk to ShadowsFear.
He's got a model of this, though I don't think it's anywhere near finished.