Author Topic: Am I seriously that bad of someone?  (Read 3244 times)

I gave up on forum reputation a long time ago. I get so much hate here i dont even give a damn. Its funny actually.

I triple the motion.
You also over react about anything, like AlsoSulfate said.

You said stopstopstopstopstopstopstops topstop over and over in chat because I was playing music and a dial up sound. Other people were playing music and sounds and you were also complaining.


1. Who will know your IP? They'd only know if you were stupid enough to cap it while posting a screenshot of the forums.

2. Badspot will NOT do anything to say who you are. He only deals with the hackers and other rule breakers, along with Ephialtes.

3. Your reputation will be ruined anyways due to your attitude and overreaction.

You're forgeted in this life, and you'll probably be forgeted in your next life.
You're not any better
I gave up on forum reputation a long time ago. I get so much hate here i dont even give a damn. Its funny actually.
Why would you care about a forum reputation? Just enjoy being on the forum

I gave up on forum reputation a long time ago. I get so much hate here i dont even give a damn. Its funny actually.
who are you

Why do you even care what people think of you? It's the internet, it really shouldn't matter if you have a bad reputation or not.

Also, quit saying "forget" so many times. I mean it's alright to say it every now and then, but not every time you make a post.

Why would you care about a forum reputation? Just enjoy being on the forum
Case and point. I finally realized that a year or two ago.

badspot finds out i am me, [maxx]

I highly doubt badspot would do that seeing  how it would just cause more stuff and cause you to make another topic.

the official how much maxx sucks meter:

[=====]=========> wow its like 8000% stop being so terrible

the official how much maxx sucks meter:

[=====]========================================================================================================================== ================================================================================================================================ =========================================================================================================> wow its like 8000% stop being so terrible
Technically, if the bar uses linear scaling, then 8000% should look like this.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 08:00:26 PM by TristanLuigi »

thanks for the pagestretch richardweed

the bar above represents this thread's usefulness for the op