Author Topic: praying before you eat  (Read 23149 times)

God is a girl

That would explain the jealous, vanity-inspired rampages.

That would explain the jealous, vanity-inspired rampages.

I'm non-denominational.

OT: I don't usually pray before every meal (omg heathen) but I do thank God for the food in my head. That is essentially praying, though.

Exactly the same for every word for me.

We thank the cooker and eat. No point in praying for what the farmers and hunters did.

We thank the cooker and eat. No point in praying for what the farmers and hunters did.
The concept of prayer is that God works through the physical forms and creatures of the earth. So I don't really get why people say this all the time.

The concept of prayer is that God works through the physical forms and creatures of the earth. So I don't really get why people say this all the time.
Ask an atheist if they pray before eating and they'll say they thank the people who actually worked to get that food
Ask a christian if they pray before eating, and they spend 3 hours blessing a piece of bread, claiming it is directly from god and will give them superhuman strength to crush evil and overcome everything except death, at which point they will be brought to a magical white glowy kingdom full of all the "good" people (which means just about nobody) and then everything will be happy

Ask a christian if they pray before eating, and they spend 3 hours blessing a piece of bread, claiming it is directly from god and will give them superhuman strength to crush evil and overcome everything except death, at which point they will be brought to a magical white glowy kingdom full of all the "good" people (which means just about nobody) and then everything will be happy
I have only ever known, like, two christians, who fit that description

Ask an atheist if they pray before eating and they'll say they thank the people who actually worked to get that food
Ask a christian if they pray before eating, and they spend 3 hours blessing a piece of bread, claiming it is directly from god and will give them superhuman strength to crush evil and overcome everything except death, at which point they will be brought to a magical white glowy kingdom full of all the "good" people (which means just about nobody) and then everything will be happy
This, sorta.
I am a atheist so I don't care much for all this "god gave me this bread C:"

also adin remember this?
3. Respect others as much, if not more, than you respect yourself.
some "earthly satanist" you are

The concept of prayer is that God works through the physical forms and creatures of the earth. So I don't really get why people say this all the time.
then thank god for cancer

Ask a christian if they pray before eating, and they spend 3 hours blessing a piece of bread, claiming it is directly from god and will give them superhuman strength to crush evil and overcome everything except death, at which point they will be brought to a magical white glowy kingdom full of all the "good" people (which means just about nobody) and then everything will be happy
Wow, you sure are one forgetin' ignorant bigot aren't you? I have literally never ever met a Christian that acts like this, however, I HAVE met conceited starfishs who overreact to everything religious like this. You might need new prescription glasses because you have one serious case of tunnel vision.

You identify as some form of 'moral satanist' (aka: edgy) so I'm guessing you'd get pretty defensive if someone called you a rapist / freak / cannibal / murderer or other stereotypes. Open your mind before your mouth.

This, sorta.
I am a atheist so I don't care much for all this "god gave me this bread C:"
When they pray, they don't mean that God literally made the bread for them and handed it to them, they're thanking him for the gift of life (the opportunity to eat the bread)

Ask a christian if they pray before eating, and they spend 3 hours blessing a piece of bread, claiming it is directly from god and will give them superhuman strength to crush evil and overcome everything except death, at which point they will be brought to a magical white glowy kingdom full of all the "good" people (which means just about nobody) and then everything will be happy
holy stuff the euphoria is overflowing from your post

so much so that it's flowing up onto the top of my head and forming a fedora

holy stuff the euphoria is overflowing from your post

so much so that it's flowing up onto the top of my head and forming a fedora
A trilby

Not a Fedora

How come everything even distantly related to anything Biblical or supernatural has to turn into a religious war?

"My religion is right!"
"Religion is sh**!"
"My religion is better than yours!"
"Omg religion can't be true, I'm going to give you a thousand reasons why religion is hokey and convert you to atheism."
"You can't do that!  Join my religion!"

^This happens with every thread like this.

Religion is depressing topic when it comes to atheism, Christianity, ect. At least you don't get sent to hell in other religions. In many Native American religions you just become one with nation. In Norse mythology there are like four places you go when you die, one of them is a place for those who die of sickness or old age because they didn't die in battle. The other three are paradise.