Author Topic: praying before you eat  (Read 23152 times)

No reason to since 'God' isn't real.

In Matthew the world is ruled by King Herod, and in Luke it's ruled by Augustus Caesar. That's a pretty significant difference.


I'm pretty sure Herod was the resident king of Judea under the Roman empire, and Augustus Caesar was the ruler of the whole Roman empire. Their reigns overlapped, they just had different scopes of rule. lol

Also there isn't any direct grammatical proof that after Jesus was born means the immediate same night that the Magi came over. I'm not fluent in Greek, but I doubt they interpret it that way
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 12:37:06 AM by Dodger »

Had to go somewhere for several hours and like I said, debates like this in topics never end well. It always ends up with things accidentally being taken out of context, things get confusing, and people ganging up on each other. So if you guys want to continue the conversation, pm me and I'll reply tomorrow probably

Of course this turns into a religious debate.

Of course this turns into a religious debate.
there's a difference between a thread about the merits of gorgonzola vs mozzarella turning into a religious debate, and a thread about prayer turning into a religious debate.

there's a difference between a thread about the merits of gorgonzola vs mozzarella turning into a religious debate, and a thread about prayer turning into a religious debate.
Hey look buddy, we all know gorgonzola is way better than mozzarella.

Hey look buddy, we all know gorgonzola is way better than mozzarella.
"and loeth, did the mozzarella flow freely from the mouth of the prophet, to be enjoyed by the unsaved." yeast 2:15

there's a difference between a thread about the merits of gorgonzola vs mozzarella turning into a religious debate, and a thread about prayer turning into a religious debate.

lol, but I'm just saying. At least debate over something that hasn't been done 500 times on this forum, y'know?

I dunno, I kinda find the debates fun and educational. Sure feelings get hurt and toes get stepped on, but it gives everyone a chance to express themselves and see how others react. Personally for me, these debates are kinda the reason I've gone from Christian to Atheist to Earthly Satanist, by reading things on here and then doing my own research.

Because let's be honest when was the last time you called your parents "an edgy 12 year old bigot who is just trying to control you from being your true religion." That works out better on these forums (until someone gets banned)

You gotta love when someone resorts to passive aggressive insults and strawman because his argument is too loving weak to confront anything

Why would you even think about prasing something nonexistant for something it has nothing to do with?

Only during big family events or special occasions.

Well since nobody decided to pm me, I'll just reply to a post or two and be done here, I'm just not in a real debate-y mood, hehe
The Talmud, which was sort of an atlas written around the time Jesus was died, names 63 Galilean towns but Nazareth is not there. There are dozens of records from the era which name cities and Nazareth isn't mentioned until 400 years after Christ's supposed death.
We might have a lot of records of different cities and towns from that time, but that doesn't mean we know about all the towns that were around at that time. Seriously, it was 2000 years ago, we have some wiggle room here. There is no way we can be certain that there weren't other towns around at the time.

Checkmate herp a derp
I'll admit that my explanation on that was wrong, but I looked it up and that objection still doesn't work. Dodger hit the nail on the head- Herod was the resident king of Judea under the Roman empire, and Augustus Caesar was the ruler of the whole Roman empire. Caesar was over Herod and they were both around at the same time.

So you're saying that people are more likely to revolt on behalf of a prophetic birth than they are for having their babies killed? There's no mention of such an atrocity ever taking place in any other historical document.
Not exactly. But Herod obviously wouldn't want the Jews calling some other guy their king instead of him or Caesar. That was a very big deal back then. I doubt they would revolt though because again, they really couldn't. Rome was much more powerful than they were.

No but historians do, and they like to publish things on the internet for me to read.
I wouldn't say that historians know exactly how it worked either, and you really shouldn't put that much trust in them. As good as historians and scientists are, they tend to take their findings and make all sorts of assumptions and blow them out of proportion to get themselves more attention. I figure they probably found some documents and stuff that they can make reasonable guesses based off of, but that doesn't mean that this is exactly how taxes were done without a doubt when Jesus was born. You can't reasonably make that assumption

Mhmm. Have you even read your Bible before?
You really don't know what you're talking about (and yes, I've read the whole thing cover to cover.) You just said Mathew claimed he was born in an inn. Which you just showed us something else. Not only that, but this has nothing to do with when he was born. This is talking about when the wise men visited Jesus and Mary, which was probably several years later, like Dodger said.

These aren't small details that someone should forget. If a group of pagan priests are so sure that Jesus is God that they give him a small fortune in gifts is kind of a significant event. I mean that's a serious plot point that's completely omitted.
It kind of is a small detail. It's a story Jesus probably told them, that, while interesting, isn't really relevant to his ministry- which is what most of the Gospels are- a summary of the three years of Jesus' ministry. And when you already have people like Mathew giving a good account of that story, why should someone else go through the time to write it in their account when they may not even remember that part very well?

Are you trying to tell us something?
That was just a mini-side-rant because I constantly hear people misquote the Bible and take it out of context and then assert it like it's fact. Like how Jesus was apparently born in an inn house in Mathew because the Wise men showed up then. *cough cough*

And I think I'm going to end my side of the argument here. Like I said, I'm not in the mood to really do a full on debate, and debates like these just don't work very well normally. If you'd like to continue the conversation, pm me. Otherwise I won't respond

Personally for me, these debates are kinda the reason I've gone from Christian to Atheist to Earthly Satanist, by reading things on here and then doing my own research.

I see what you mean.  I'm Christian and don't plan on changing.  But do your own research and don't believe everything you read on the forums.  Lol