BEEP BEEP fair warning if you don't like weeaboo/weeaboo-like behavior, dont populate this thread. It is only for blocklanders interested in learning japanese and blocklanders who can read japanese. you've been warned..
Japanese (Study) Central!
DO YOU WANT TO LEARN JAPANESE?YES! Of course you do. Japanese is used for
MANY things! Like uhhhh... talking to japanese people! insulting others without them knowing! Basically cheat in any server with all-talk on! Swoo-ing that Japanese girl you go to school with! Anything is possible!
BEEP BEEP ill only be teaching you about the character sets in the OP of this thread. After, I will post links to help you on your way to learning japanese, and then you can return here and use your knowledge to yes.
BUT KIMONO HOW DO I LEARN JAPANESE?YES! Your first baby steps towards being a weeaboo with sufficient japanese skills is learning the THREE (Yes, three!) character sets for Japanese! While the last set (Kanji) is not required for basic japanese, it could be very helpful to shorten sentences.
HIRAGANAHiragana contains 47 characters total, usually put into a gojuuon (50 sounds) grid, like so: (

The most basic of the three character sets, usually used in basic words + all basic grammar words (is, a, you, are, because)
The most basic website I have found to help learn Hiragana is
Lentil, website that teaches you the characters one after another quizing you on word combinations.
KATAKANAKatakana ALSO contains 47 characters total, usually put into a gojuuon (50 sounds) grid.

Katakana is used for all foreign words, usually English ones. (America, Hamburger, Computer, Internet)
Lentil is also good for learning Katakana, being able to switch between Hiragana and Katakana.
KANJIBy far the hardest of the three character sets, Kanji is derived from Chinese characters and from doing so, have tons of them. Estimated Kanji known by a 5th grader is about 820~ kanji. That's a lot.
work in progress