Author Topic: taking event requests  (Read 3560 times)

Type: Output
Name: Player>Weapondamage>1-1
Description: First number is the damage added to the wep, second number the slot in the inventory
that contains the weapon you want to upgrade.

Relocating bricks is no good, I'll explain when I'm home from school
It does, but the point is that it does not give enough space for writing.  I would like to have enough space for paragraphs.  I've never dealt with GUIs, but I'm pretty sure this should be easy.
If anyone wanted to use the mod, they would need to download a separate client mod

Relocating bricks is no good, I'll explain when I'm home from school If anyone wanted to use the mod, they would need to download a separate client mod
Relocating bricks is no good, I'll explain when I'm home from school If anyone wanted to use the mod, they would need to download a separate client mod
make new brick with color, events, settings, and ownership of old one
Delete old one.

make new brick with color, events, settings, and ownership of old one
Delete old one.
so like
Code: [Select]
new fxdtsbrick(blah:oldbrick){position = asdf;};

you're an idiot.
how would I link this to a brick?

Dahell,   "I won't even reply to you" would be a good thing to do. .-.

If the event isn't directly related to the brick, explain how you want it to be called
If you say "Every brick with the event" I will ignore you
Why not? It's not that hard.
Just make a variable that contains a list of the bricks that have the event. Just track when the event is added or removed from a brick and add/remove from the list accordingly. Then, when the input event is called, go through the list and only call it on those bricks.

Why not? It's not that hard.
Just make a variable that contains a list of the bricks that have the event. Just track when the event is added or removed from a brick and add/remove from the list accordingly. Then, when the input event is called, go through the list and only call it on those bricks.
Lazy + takes up more lines than i really want

Dahell,   "I won't even reply to you" would be a good thing to do. .-.
Kick and ban events are not a good idea, even if super admin only.

Type: Input
Name: onVehicleCollision
Description: Triggers events when a vehicle hits a brick.

I've heard that onVehicleTouch has been failed, I just want an alternative to zone bricks.

I've heard that onVehicleTouch has been failed,
is there something about failed add-ons that makes people want to remake them?

I don't have a good way of doing this, so no..
do you want it to increase the damage, multiply it

Type: Output
Name: Minigame>returntospawn
Every player in the minigame is teleported (not instant respawn!) to their last spawn point.

For example:
1. - Player 1 spawns at spawn 1 and Player 2 spawns at spawn 2
2. - The event is triggered!
3. - Player 1 goes back to spawn 1 and Player 2 goes back to spawn 2

You want to respawn players without killing them?

function GameConnection::TeleSpawn(%c)

it's under client and teleports a player to a spawn location (respawning without dying)

increase damage
I'm sorry for being lazy, but I'm not up to that right now...
Here's a forum post that will help anyone who wants to make this

Type: Output
Name: Play minigame sound
Description: Plays a sound that everyone inside a minigame can hear, not just someone near a brick.
Please make it compatible with slayer. Thanks.
Type: Input and output
Name: Brick health
Description: This is kind of difficult to explain. I want a specific event to give a brick health.
ex: onactivate>self>setbrickhealth>x
^x = an editable value
Now, another event could modify the health.
^ again, x can be changed, and negatives can be used.
a showhealth event would be great as well.
So yeah, that's all to that.
Type: output
Name: Kill brick
Description: An event that PERMANENTLY deletes bricks, as if you were to use the wand on that brick.

Please make these, especially for the minigame sound one.

Type: Output
Name: Brick > TransposeBrick
Description: Moves a brick a certain number of studs according to XYZ output paramaters, Z is in plates height.

ex. OnActivate > Self > Brick > TransposeBrick > 0, 0, 15
would move the brick the events belonged to five whole 1x1 bricks upwards.

i have no clue how add-on making works, but i figure this is possible? i don't see it made anywhere else.
There was an event like that, called Event_Mover, and it was binned.  I'm not sure, but it may have been CRC'd.  If you can still use it, you could put bricks inside of bricks and under the map.