Author Topic: Cca 4669 & 26141 / Aduioa 44688 Admittance to trolling  (Read 10138 times)

asking your friends if they think you're nice is a bit dumb
what are they going to say, "no we hate you go away"?
It might be biased if I did it, unless I'm asking strangers of the internet who would either tell me off or randomly give me an answer

Cca isn't cool. Every time I see him he's either A. Abusing Computermixes hack (still), or B. Trolling a naive kid for fun. He's banned from my Falling Tiles server for using the float hack and constantly flaming kids.

Cca isn't cool. Every time I see him he's either A. Abusing Computermixes hack (still), or B. Trolling a naive kid for fun. He's banned from my Falling Tiles server for using the float hack and constantly flaming kids.
hacking? do you have any proof?

hacking? do you have any proof?
Ask any of my Super Admins about him.

imo he's a bit misguided with the hacking, otherwise cool guy

Cca isn't cool. Every time I see him he's either A. Abusing Computermixes hack (still), or B. Trolling a naive kid for fun. He's banned from my Falling Tiles server for using the float hack and constantly flaming kids.

Cca isn't cool. Every time I see him he's either A. Abusing Computermixes hack (still), or B. Trolling a naive kid for fun. He's banned from my Falling Tiles server for using the float hack and constantly flaming kids.
I honestly stopped when I gained admin at Cat123's server. And that was a very long time ago. I am upset you still think badly of me. I never meant to destroy any personal relationship with you. Honestly I was just really bored when I did it that night. xD
Anyways I was already banned from your server and I thought that was punishment itself. I remember even coming to your server after I was unbanned and apologizing again. You were active, but you ignored me. :c

hacking? do you have any proof?
Yes he has proof. I did it on Ravencrof's server and on ZapK's server. I was just being stupid and bored with it. Both of those things happened before I was admin on Cat123's server. After I was banned from those places and I got admin I figured it was time to stop because I wanted to help represent servers I was admin at. And start representing myself as a better person.
I do not want my past usage of that thing to do any more damage to my name. I was already punished for it and I since then have never used it. Honest to God... :)

In this topic, Marble I believe is still upset I banned him from A-Spec's server
I was just messing around with him. I thought him and I were cool. I was grandly upset when I found out he was luring me into doing that. I was off duty on that server. I had just gotten the SA, but there was already admins online. The host and I were talking about future planning of the administration. I am there just to help shape it. Not really there to administrate. I just want to help everyone :/
Yes sometimes I might just wanna have some fun too. But when I do have some fun and I get drama'd for it that really upsets me! ;~;

So I apologize to all I have made upset from this.

I am upset you still think badly of me.
I never meant to destroy any personal relationship with you.
Honestly I was just really bored when I did it that night.
But when I do have some fun and I get drama'd for it that really upsets me! ;~;

It's not like I've ever been drama'd for doing what you did or anything