Author Topic: A mother we wish we all had  (Read 4601 times)

it's actually really interesting. according to the article, after the scrotum tore one of the testicles actually slipped out of it. the mother didn't realize what it was and she squeezed it until it popped like a entrepreneur le.


If I had the choice, I'd have snip snip instead of rip rip.

it's actually really interesting. according to the article, after the scrotum tore one of the testicles actually slipped out of it. the mother didn't realize what it was and she squeezed it until it popped like a entrepreneur le.

no im done

forgetin done

Okay I loving read that thing start to finish and there was NO mention of that
what the forget stocking

Okay I loving read that thing start to finish and there was NO mention of that
what the forget stocking

it's actually really interesting. according to the article, after the scrotum tore one of the testicles actually slipped out of it. the mother didn't realize what it was and she squeezed it until it popped like a entrepreneur le.
holy mother of cringe

if you slam a car door on a scrotum do the testicles explode?

I figured it'd be like slamming your fist on a tube of toothpaste.[/cringewarning]

This is topic of the year 2013.
Let's celebrate by eating Rocky Mountain Oysters!

god damnit stocking you're not allowed to post in a topic about scrotums anymore

jesus christ

the mother didn't realize what it was and she squeezed it until it popped like a entrepreneur le.

I'm really starting to loving lose faith in humanity.

it's actually really interesting. according to the article, after the scrotum tore one of the testicles actually slipped out of it. the mother didn't realize what it was and she squeezed it until it popped like a entrepreneur le.

it's actually really interesting. according to the article, after the scrotum tore one of the testicles actually slipped out of it. the mother didn't realize what it was and she squeezed it until it popped like a entrepreneur le.