Author Topic: Attitude Check v2  (Read 11325 times)

You are cool

but your ID confused me you were someone else at first

You're a nice guy, even though you're a furry, you're not the kind that spews its stuff everywhere and keeps it in one place.

The only thing I know about you is you kind of can be a bit "on other people's nerves"
other then that you are okay.

okay guy


makes good jokes occasionally

could use a bit more brain matter

You're cool and sometimes funny

even though you're a furry
Not even sure if I should call myself a furry anymore. Maybe I should stop calling myself a furry and instead consider myself a cat artist. That's all I do anyways.

Not bad, nothing bad about you that I can think of.

Good forumer, shown a lot of improvement since you joined.

Seen you when I was lurking here before I registered.
You're nice.

Though you can be silly at times, you're a fine guy. The giant hate circle around you is stupid.

I've seen you before (Devo I think). I can't say I liked you too much, in fact I found you a bit annoying, but you're not horrible. There's a possibility that I just don't know you well enough.

You're a pretty nice guy, again one of the people I've seen around here when I lurked and never posted because I didn't register yet.