Author Topic: NUKEMAP - If a nuclear bomb fell on NYC...  (Read 2034 times)

Thank god the Tsar Bomba is no longer in Russian Arsenal.

That stuff be scary!
thats what they want you to think you capitalist pig

so even the biggest nuclear bomb made cannot even destroy multiple states?
Well the fallout would spread all over the place so

But still holy shat you can see some of them from space
people need to stop saying this, holy stuff. you can see your dog from space, it's not like it's space-magic.

Nukemap3D is stuff scary.

"North Korean weapon tested in 2013"


I tried to nuke New York but nuking any part of the U.S destroy's the world...

I tried to nuke New York but nuking the U.S destroy's the world...

HOLY stuff

I tried to nuke New York but nuking any part of the U.S destroy's the world...

Move it up more and save Australia.

I don't want to set the world on fire~

In my heart I have but one desire