Author Topic: Annoying School Things Megathread  (Read 7908 times)

Post the many annoying things that happen at your school, whether it is
· Annoying Kids
· Teachers
· Assignments
· And other stuff!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 09:23:01 PM by Legoboss »

when people smear stuff and tampons all over the walls in the bathrooms

A classmate of mine who makes me want to puke wiped her hands on my hair, and proceeded to put a chalk board eraser on my sweater. I was really annoyed and disturbed, mainly because I'm a germaphobe and the teachers didn't do a thing.

when you are the only geometry student in a seminar full of pre-algebra starfishs who laugh at me when I talk about transversals and proofs

when you are the only geometry student in a seminar full of pre-algebra starfishs who laugh at me when I talk about transversals and proofs
one question: why

when you are the only geometry student in a seminar full of pre-algebra starfishs who laugh at me when I talk about transversals and proofs
wow talk about einstein!!11!!!

get over yourself

ot: dumbasses that don't clean the lunchtables

One of my friends will sit next to me in class, sigh, then go on and complain about his first world problems.

Every day.

wow talk about einstein!!11!!!

get over yourself
no seriously

Seminar is supposed to help me get a better score in the state standardized test. I don't know why I am not in the other class' that have more than one person who is in Geometry. I am not rubbing it into peoples faces that I am "Einstein", I am just pointing out that I am sick of doing algebra things that I already did. Sure, it is review, but I don't think that I should be in a class that is full of black people who joke around all the time.

I hate snake inspection day.

people who walk in the middle of corridors, blocking any way past them
people who walk incredibly slowly
people who litter
people who talk constantly in the middle of lessons

A classmate of mine who makes me want to puke wiped her hands on my hair, and proceeded to put a chalk board eraser on my sweater. I was really annoyed and disturbed, mainly because I'm a germaphobe and the teachers didn't do a thing.

Mine would probably do the average "Keep your hands to yourself!" bullcrap.

One of my friends will sit next to me in class, sigh, then go on and complain about his first world problems.

Every day.
talk to him about your third world problems

I hate snake inspection day.
i had the opposite problem

no one would talk to me last year because i always looked forward to it

When the bell rings and you have to get to class, but there's a bunch of cigarettes sitting in the middle of the stair case or hallway having the conversation of their life like they didn't see each other for years on end and end up blocking the way.