Author Topic: Annoying School Things Megathread  (Read 7907 times)

the people that play ponymaker on our freetime

people who install a stuffton of games and viruses onto computers

a couple days ago there was Minecraft and other games on almost every computer so they had to put a ban on games.

when theres no place to sit, eg. with the football players (including me)

i really hate the kids that try to wriggle out of the handcuffs

When people starting making snake jokes and then laugh hysterically at them as if it was the funniest thing ever.

When people starting making snake jokes and then laugh hysterically at them as if it was the funniest thing ever.

Man 1: "Sir, it's impossible!"
Man 2: "What is it?"
Man 1: "It appears as if though this man's genitalia are shorter than a planck length!"
* Man #2 removes glasses* "My god..."

All the loving annoying ass middle schoolers.

Holden Caulfield.

I don't think I did it when I was in 9th grade, but recently it seems like all the freshman think they are on top of all the stuff, and are the Kings/ Queens of the school. Last week, there were signs plastered down a hallway saying "Freshman power" with a flexing arm, and "Freshmans 2017!!!" And stuff. They put them on/ around other class signs lol. But yeah, they just annoy me a bit.

This one teacher, who teaches us science, rarely even goes over the lesson and just gives us written work. And she expects us to ace our tests.

All the loving annoying ass middle schoolers.
Hurtful (but true)

All the loving annoying ass middle schoolers.
This so much.

One of my friends is pissed because someone told him to shut up. How many people in my school want attention? Seriously, this happens all the time. They expect you to be like "Noooo ples forgeeve me plz".

Holden Caulfield.
We're only on the third chapter, but he doesn't seem so bad. For now, I guess.

There's this group of kids who think they know absolutely everything about computers, and when something they are working on forgets up they blame the software or Microsoft or anything but themselves.