
Have you been banned before?

60 (37.3%)
50 (31.1%)
19 (11.8%)
Three times
15 (9.3%)
Much more than that!
17 (10.6%)

Total Members Voted: 161

Author Topic: Have You Ever Been Banned?  (Read 7717 times)

though the perma ban was really for no reason in my opinion
To elaborate this:
That account was banned 3 times, first for this:
stating the obvious about mlp stuff

Then for this:
telling someone who complained about maps not working in v21 that he is stupid
Seriously, I have no idea why I got banned for that, anyone who complains about maps not working after the v21 update disabling them is a full scale idiot and should be treated as such

Then for this:
telling people to get the fraps demo
I wasn't talking about pirating it, I was laughing my ass off how everyone was too stupid to get the fraps demo, you just had to restart recording every 30 seconds and then join the parts together, not hard

Then it was permanently banned for this
joking about how I'm going to pirate castle story
I was obviously joking, don't know why I got permanently banned for that, I just wanted some action in the thread because I didn't get why noone was replying
Also for anyone curious, I bought castle story as soon as they opened the preorders, for $20

Especially if other people say things like
8 or 9 times?
Then I do absolutely not understand why I was banned permanently for minor offenses

Perma-banned twice.
Normal banned quite a few times, don't plan on messing up again.

my first ban was image spam, that's all i remember

Just in case you wanted to see
Let's take one long look at this video once more. Badspot never got the game on Steam Greenlight.


User was banned for this post

Anyone remember this one
Omggggggg so many freaking bronies in BL

Stop being gay

User was banned for this post

Posting this was a death wish

Just in case you wanted to see
Anyone remember this one
Posting this was a death wish

Kind of ironic that you'd harass the bronies all things considered.

I actually accidentally got myself permabanned once by posting a Roblox link because I completely forgot about the autobanning thing after a period of inactivity, but Badspot was cool enough to unban me.

The other bans I've had (not sure how many, but they were pretty far apart) were all flaming bans.

Kind of ironic that you'd harass the bronies all things considered.
considered what

i got baned for liking zoneark

but Badspot was cool enough to unban me.
How did you do this?

considered what

considering yknow.... you want to have love with people in animal costumes

considering yknow.... you want to have love with people in animal costumes
that's gay

How did you do this?
i think if you link certain stuff it auto bans you, like i think he posted an image or something that used roblox's address

my REAL BL_ID / old account
Why I was banned: Trolling
Post I was banned over: Too old to quote
Reasoning: It was meant to be a sort of mockery of drama, backfired like I assumed it would, got a few laughs, then I got banned for saying "mission accomplished" essentially

Was recently banned over a really stuffty r- nevermind I can quote <3
There's your problem lol
Furdle and all of his admins, including me (sometimes) randomly ban for stuffs and giggles. He clears his list about every 4 months

User was banned for this post
Now because nobody seemed to understand this, I'll explain it one more time to hopefully shed some light, but in list format so the stupid doesn't get to anyone.
- I am friends with Furdle
- Furdle has questionable admins
- Some of said 'admins' make questionable judgements
- for instance banning people for stuffs and giggles, which happened to the person who was banned
- I did not nor have I ever done anything along these lines (ban without a reason)
- At the very end I said that Furdle clears out his list so the guy wouldn't feel bad about being banned.

Now, being the forums, everyone hopped all over that and reported my ass into 2017, so I was banned for four months for reason: "BEING A DOUCHE"
So okay, yeah fine whatever I'll take the ban. Halfway through my ban I got fed up seeing that because that's not fair since I didn't even do anything. So I e-mailed badspot, explained my situation, and he e-mailed me back to say something along the lines of 'I don't like you, it's my forum, I can do what I like, you had this coming for a long time but now I have a reason to ban you, etc.'
Maybe if we're lucky our lord and savior badspit will come on and share the e-mails too

Watch me get re-banned.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 07:25:13 PM by AdinX »

i think if you link certain stuff it auto bans you, like i think he posted an image or something that used roblox's address
i don't think you get autobanned for posting roblox, but you get autobanned for posting links to shock sites