Author Topic: How do I be friends with a girl?  (Read 7097 times)

you dont, girls only cause problems
You're right. Soon you'll regret what you did, Setro.
Just stay away.

just look at her and act towards her as a friend, it isn't honestly that hard

unless you want to avoid the immature jackasses singing "Setro and [name], sittin' in a tree!" or some stupid stuff like that, then avoid at all costs

I only have like three girl friends and they're only my friends from coincidence, like sitting next to each other in a class or something and naturally becoming friends... Honestly there really is no reason to look for a friendship with a certain person in the first place. That's just kinda weird.

you dont, girls only cause problems
Not if you just hook up with them for a couple weeks then move on. It's the best.

show her your forum posts

if she's an idiot she'll be your friend
if she's smart she'll run away and cross the border

show her your forum posts

if she's an idiot she'll be your friend
if she's smart she'll run away and cross the border
im probably a douchebag for laughing at this lol

First off, why do people find it so hard to talk to woman? They are woman, not some magical creature that will rip your head off for looking at it.

Just talk to them, its not hard.

Setro if you ever have a wife it will be a miracle

In my school logic, if you try to be friends with a lot of girls instead of actually trying to date one the other students might think you're gay, sounds stupid but that's how it is in my country.

Some of the people I know in my school are so awkward they think that hitting on a girl or even talking to one makes you look like a social outcast or a creepy person. I tried to get them to explain to me how that makes sense and all I get is stupid memes responses like "Girls? Aint nobody got time for that".

my school logic:

talking to girls = automatic dating

"Will you be my friend" works too...

Um think about it, how many girls do you know on the forums that post photos of themselves?  Not many at all...

every single girl who ever posted on the forum

Not all girls are like her, my girlfriend is not an attention seeker.

Your girlfriend is an anime character, she doesn't seek anything.

She is trying to say girls live off of attention, when in reality girls don't go around starving for attention on the internet. Go outside and meet some real girls before you talk.  By the way, don't call someone young when you won't even show your age. 

Is this blatant autism of yours your secret to getting laid so much??

every single girl who ever posted on the forum

who are these three? the first one is familiar. was that comrad4's sister? maelstrom or whatever it was
I don't even slightly recognize the second one
but the third? my best guess is colten's sister

who are these three? the first one is familiar. was that comrad4's sister? maelstrom or whatever it was
I don't even slightly recognize the second one
but the third? my best guess is colten's sister

Malestrom, Sorrel, Miika

also fuk i forgot amaya and pixel ):