Author Topic: Lucid Dreams?  (Read 2243 times)

I just read up on dreams
Now I think my short lived hobby will die
What if I get a lucid nightmare??
Personally I would be as scared as forget if I had missing/extra fingers
You have %100 control of your dream if you Lucid Dream. You can just make those fingers come back and make the extra ones dissapear, giving you the normal 5.

You have %100 control of your dream if you Lucid Dream. You can just make those fingers come back and make the extra ones dissapear, giving you the normal 5.

I read somewhere that it is possible to be aware that you are dreaming (lucid dreaming) but still not have control over it

I read somewhere that it is possible to be aware that you are dreaming (lucid dreaming) but still not have control over it
Then I think you should not try that method then...

I read somewhere that it is possible to be aware that you are dreaming (lucid dreaming) but still not have control over it

It happens to me all the time. My mind loving hates me.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 03:35:01 AM by ßlöükfáce »

You would, but all hallucinations. You can also see other random stuff and you wont be able to breathe or move for a brief moment because your Brain is still in a state of sleep. If you need to get out of a Lucid dream, hold your breath. It'll send your brain into shock (Not the dangerous ones) and wake you up hopefully.
Isn't breathing involuntary though, to some extent? I'm pretty sure that if you wake up in sleep paralysis you won't necessarily not stop breathing for moment because it's an autonomous function of the body most of the time. Of course, if I'm wrong, you still get that shock you mentioned.

Sleep paralysis was just motor function of the body so you don't move while you're in REM sleep, and certain people have a disorder or something by which this doesn't occur and they literally flip out in their bed (standing their body up, falling off into a wall, knocking stuff over, less like sleep walking more like moving in your dream actually makes you move in real life). It's not like your body stops breathing while you're asleep / in sleep paralysis and when you wake up you start to breathe or something again.

That was my understanding?

I have boring and weird dreams... Standing in the shopping center and just randomly fly around :(

I have remembered a lot of my dreams, but usually what happens is 2 weeks after I had the dream - I then forget it.

I have boring and weird dreams... Standing in the shopping center and just randomly fly around :(

Me too!

I have had many lucid dreams over the years, All it ended up doing for me is having a chain of dreams that are all connected so when I go to sleep it's like an alternate life.
Lucky bastard. I wish I could do that.

This may sound silly but if you don't wank for a few hours before you go to sleep you might find that your dreams become more vivid. I don't know why but this seems to happen to me if I miss out for one evening.

I once had sleep paralysis in the middle of class.

Like, it was after a test and the teacher said we could put our heads down and stuff.

sp00ky stuff, man.

i have them all the time
its obvious what i do in them

Has anyone here WILDed? Just curious.