Author Topic: Something is going to happen to Blockland Forums  (Read 30462 times)

this is one hell of an attention whoring thread

your jealous of his teaching degree from harvard!

Another thing to point out:

if BlockoBlocko is Nevermind's 'brother' then why do there locations not match...

plus I found this on Nevermind's Names from RTB (BL_ID: 2190):

Lord BlockoBlocko    Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:42 am

Of course I am BlockoBlocko.

eighth grader syndrome up the wazoo

wow what a nice thread to read

this was my reaction (esp. to the harvard self-jerking thing. protip: nobody gives a stuff unless they're an alum so they can jerk off about the wonderful education with you)

Grade A same-friendry, mate.  Couldn't even wait an hour before replying to yourself.  

this was hilarious

Of course I am BlockoBlocko.
What the forget?
and this was a hundred times more hilarious

I believe Blockoblocko here. I have a brother on the forums and I don't think it's too unlikely that his ingame name could be mimicking or making fun of my own.

srsly wtf are you trying, blockoblocko

if you were actually siblings, then why only mention it now that everyone is aware of how much of a friend you are(something i was already aware of but now i have a good reason for it too so thank you)

I believe Blockoblocko here. I have a brother on the forums and I don't think it's too unlikely that his ingame name could be mimicking or making fun of my own.

I'd really like to know why. I mean I know why, it's because you're window-licking forgettards. But I want to hear you justify it.

Another thing to point out:

if BlockoBlocko is Nevermind's 'brother' then why do there locations not match...
Note they're in the same time zone with different locations. :P
Unless that's what you were trying to point out. Hard to tell to be honest.

I am blocko
no this is patrick

I'd really like to know why. I mean I know why, it's because you're window-licking forgettards. But I want to hear you justify it.
mainly because i want blocko to turn out to not be a nob
even though he's a nob in other peoples eyes

besides that was a bit ott