Author Topic: Taboo's Randomizer Deathmatch - wotf  (Read 4074 times)

this looks super loving lovey

you say hosted regularly, like when?

There's a full table with timezones and everything right in the OP.

There's a full table with timezones and everything right in the OP.
well forget. i read this:
The server is hosted semiregularly as my personal schedule permits
and kind've skipped the rest

so it'll be open in 2-3 hours or so today, following that schedule, right?

why does it say 10-8pm weekends
why does it say 10-6pm sundays
do you mean 10am-xpm?

why does it list friday, saturday, and sunday, and weekends? because it's a "in addition to" sort of thing?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 03:51:18 PM by Lugnut »

i was thinking in 24 hour time and typed in a weird mess-up of 12 hour time, my bad

why does it list friday, saturday, and sunday, and weekends? because it's a "in addition to" sort of thing?
accidentally put down weekends instead of weekdays, whoops
i even realized that and put down general times for weekends
my derp knows no bounds

about half an hour till uptime, was having a little trouble with RTB's web interface and addon uploading, so i'm FTPing everything over now
sit tight folks

Ladies and gents, we are live and running! The join links on the OP will be updated shortly as I properly adjust them to the RTB server, but you can easily join the server through Blockland itself as well. I tried my darndest to minimize loadtimes, so any feedback on that would be greatly appreciated.

Alright, first playthrough is well and done with. Here's what we learned today throughout the four hours or so:

  • Everybody forgetin loves the Quake weapons, but that was a no brainer
  • Khain's builds are super well suited to these
  • It's all about the airtime, baby

  • No Time To Explain, not so great in a practical setting
  • I really need more builds better suited to these weapons and higher player counts
  • Lots of weird hiccups in the connection, probably due to physics deaths

  • Something is causing people to crash as they load? Will need to investigate
  • Auto-spawner is needed, people are telling me it exists but I can't freakin find it
  • Loadtimes in general still have a lot of room for improvement, might need to remove melees and equipables

things that bushido doesn't like:

gcat's vests, which don't provide nearly enough defense against quake weapons to even be included
t+t melee weapons, which don't provide nearly enough damage against quake weapons to even be included
assist kills, but that's only because i keep getting like 16 kills per round and i don't get first because someone hit everyone else a bunch of times but succeeded in killing a grand total of nobody

  • Lots of weird hiccups in the connection, probably due to physics deaths

I had a quick look for you - your console is a huge mess full of errors and debug echo calls:

Code: [Select]
<input> (0): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDamageLevel'
BackTrace: ->[sportBallsPackage]ServerCmdUnUseTool->[VCEPrints]ServerCmdUnUseTool->GameConnection::VCEPrints->[VCE_Main]GameConnection::bottomPrint->filterVariableString

<input> (0): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
BackTrace: ->[sportBallsPackage]ServerCmdUnUseTool->[VCEPrints]ServerCmdUnUseTool->GameConnection::VCEPrints->[VCE_Main]GameConnection::bottomPrint->filterVariableString

Sending punch packet to
Rot: 0 88.5963 12.7004

Add-Ons/Tool_SwissArmyGun/server.cs (522): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getName'
BackTrace: ->[Player_Frozen]ServerCmdUseTool->[sportBallsPackage]ServerCmdUseTool->[VCEPrints]ServerCmdUseTool->[Swol_SpawnCam]ServerCmdUseTool->ServerCmdUseTool->Weapon::onUse->[Slayer_Gamemode_CTF]Player::mountImage->[SwissArmyGun_Default]Player::mountImage

Rot: 0 88.0972 -9.02494

Add-Ons/Tool_SwissArmyGun/server.cs (522): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getName'
BackTrace: ->[Player_Frozen]ServerCmdUseTool->[sportBallsPackage]ServerCmdUseTool->[VCEPrints]ServerCmdUseTool->[Swol_SpawnCam]ServerCmdUseTool->ServerCmdUseTool->Weapon::onUse->[Slayer_Gamemode_CTF]Player::mountImage->[SwissArmyGun_Default]Player::mountImage

Add-Ons/Item_Energy_Shield/Support_EShields.cs (244): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'applyBodyParts'
BackTrace: ->dmshield_return

Add-Ons/Item_Energy_Shield/Support_EShields.cs (0): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'applyBodyColors'
BackTrace: ->dmshield_return

Add-Ons/Weapon_Package_Medic1/server.cs (298): Unknown command onMount.

Add-Ons/Tool_SwissArmyGun/server.cs (522): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getName'
BackTrace: ->[Player_Frozen]ServerCmdUseTool->[sportBallsPackage]ServerCmdUseTool->[VCEPrints]ServerCmdUseTool->[Swol_SpawnCam]ServerCmdUseTool->ServerCmdUseTool->Weapon::onUse->[Slayer_Gamemode_CTF]Player::mountImage->[SwissArmyGun_Default]Player::mountImage

Rot: 0 162.429 -119.537

<input> (0): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDamageLevel'
BackTrace: ->doubleMagnumsImage::onFireAkimbo->LeftHandeddoubleMagnumImage::onFire->[BrickCenter]WeaponImage::onFire->[selectorTools]WeaponImage::onFire->[RaycastingFire]WeaponImage::onFire->WeaponImage::onHitObject->WeaponImage::onRaycastDamage->[Slayer_Gamemode_OMA]Player::Damage->[damageColas]Player::Damage->[armor_functions]Player::Damage->[Parkour]Player::Damage->[PowerUp_Rebound]Player::Damage->[PowerUp_Shield]Player::Damage->[PowerUp_Shock]Player::Damage->[RiotShield]ShapeBase::Damage->ShapeBase::Damage->[BotHolePackage]Armor::Damage->[DMShieldSystem]Armor::Damage->[gc_MilGearPackage]Armor::Damage->[AssistKills]Armor::Damage->[Popup]Armor::Damage->[DropItemOnDamage]Armor::Damage->[quake3WeaponHitNotice]Armor::Damage->[damageNotifier]Armor::Damage->Armor::Damage->[VCE_Main]GameConnection::onDeath->[Platformer_Grinding]GameConnection::onDeath->[Event_Minigame]GameConnection::onDeath->[ZoneEvents]GameConnection::onDeath->[Slayer_Dependencies_GameConnection]GameConnection::onDeath->[Slayer_Dependencies_Teams]GameConnection::onDeath->[damageColas]GameConnection::onDeath->[SpecialKills]GameConnection::onDeath->[quake3WeaponHitNotice]GameConnection::onDeath->[KDR]GameConnection::onDeath->[Server_KillCam]GameConnection::onDeath->[DeathYells]GameConnection::onDeath->[GrenadeDropPackage]GameConnection::onDeath->GameConnection::onDeath->[PowerUp_Double]GameConnection::incScore->GameConnection::incScore->[Slayer_Dependencies_GameConnection]GameConnection::setScore->[VCEPrints]GameConnection::setScore->GameConnection::VCEPrints->[VCE_Main]GameConnection::bottomPrint->filterVariableString

<input> (0): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
BackTrace: ->doubleMagnumsImage::onFireAkimbo->LeftHandeddoubleMagnumImage::onFire->[BrickCenter]WeaponImage::onFire->[selectorTools]WeaponImage::onFire->[RaycastingFire]WeaponImage::onFire->WeaponImage::onHitObject->WeaponImage::onRaycastDamage->[Slayer_Gamemode_OMA]Player::Damage->[damageColas]Player::Damage->[armor_functions]Player::Damage->[Parkour]Player::Damage->[PowerUp_Rebound]Player::Damage->[PowerUp_Shield]Player::Damage->[PowerUp_Shock]Player::Damage->[RiotShield]ShapeBase::Damage->ShapeBase::Damage->[BotHolePackage]Armor::Damage->[DMShieldSystem]Armor::Damage->[gc_MilGearPackage]Armor::Damage->[AssistKills]Armor::Damage->[Popup]Armor::Damage->[DropItemOnDamage]Armor::Damage->[quake3WeaponHitNotice]Armor::Damage->[damageNotifier]Armor::Damage->Armor::Damage->[VCE_Main]GameConnection::onDeath->[Platformer_Grinding]GameConnection::onDeath->[Event_Minigame]GameConnection::onDeath->[ZoneEvents]GameConnection::onDeath->[Slayer_Dependencies_GameConnection]GameConnection::onDeath->[Slayer_Dependencies_Teams]GameConnection::onDeath->[damageColas]GameConnection::onDeath->[SpecialKills]GameConnection::onDeath->[quake3WeaponHitNotice]GameConnection::onDeath->[KDR]GameConnection::onDeath->[Server_KillCam]GameConnection::onDeath->[DeathYells]GameConnection::onDeath->[GrenadeDropPackage]GameConnection::onDeath->GameConnection::onDeath->[PowerUp_Double]GameConnection::incScore->GameConnection::incScore->[Slayer_Dependencies_GameConnection]GameConnection::setScore->[VCEPrints]GameConnection::setScore->GameConnection::VCEPrints->[VCE_Main]GameConnection::bottomPrint->filterVariableString

I've not actually seen a stacktrace that long in forever but I'd suggest getting someone to look at fixing a lot of these because it'd definitely improve your server's performance.

i'm going to take a wild guess and say power ups and quake weapons are not cross compatible.

yeah, definitely looking like that lol
noted, will remove them in a tad
SAG and sports ballz also seem to have some issues with the shield, but frankly i'd rather deal with the minor console spam since one is super handy and the other is freakin footballs

Here's a build that might work. It wasn't built specifically for this server (I already had it) but it was built for deathmatches, so it might work. Might not work for the server but I figured why not.

If you do end up using it and putting it in the OP, just call it "A Space Place" and it was built by FlashDragon (my in game name).

I'm pretty sure it uses all default bricks except for inverted corner ramps. Also ignore all the stuff on the top of the build, it was used for randomly placing items in the build, but I disabled it. That's what all of the invisible 2x2fs that are around the build are for.

It's meant to be used in a dark environment but it doesn't really matter.

looks so fun! i wanna join
ALSO, wtf is with these super long boxes?!

crap DAMN
use the ENTER key when you use code and not stretch out the entire page
because holy damn this is unreadable