Author Topic: Garfield's Dead  (Read 6182 times)

his tongue is coming out of his nose in the third panel, lol

his tongue is coming out of his nose in the third panel, lol

You can have it for a dollar.

I'm not kidding.

If anyone actually wants the original panels for whatever loving reason, I will sign them (if that means anything to you) and send them to you if you mail me a prepaid envelope (what's postage, like 50 cents?). PM me for address details if you're like, actually loving serious you want these dumb drawings of Garfield.

Now this lucky bastard got to take home a real winner.

For only another dollar and your prepaid envelope, I'll mail you back a DIY stencil tattoo kit so you can have this regret with you forever.

If anyone actually wants the original panels for whatever loving reason, I will sign them (if that means anything to you) and send them to you
They'll be worth millions one day

For only another dollar and your prepaid envelope, I'll mail you back a DIY stencil tattoo kit so you can have this regret with you forever.
Does it come with the professional make-up studio?  :cookieMonster:

is this why you're not updating chivalry

Now this lucky bastard got to take home a real winner.
For only another dollar and your prepaid envelope, I'll mail you back a DIY stencil tattoo kit so you can have this regret with you forever.
Why are there children's toys in the background?

What have you done Swholli!?

Not even in the slightest. I don't update cause I'm lazy.

Because I like you guys so much, here's an early look at tomorrow's strip:

Basically the idea is to take a "traditional" Garfield concept and add, either subtly or overtly depending on desired context, dark humor to the mix.

This is all an elaborate metaphor, actually. Garfield's Dead actually is more reference to the comic itself rather than the character.

ALSO, I really have always wanted to push myself to see if I could actually do what syndicated comic strip makers do on a weekly basis, produce a new, three beat strip everyday.

ALSO ALSO, Don't expect it to only be Garfield that I make fun of, just cause the titles Garfield's Dead, basically any newspaper grade comic is subject to parody.

this is... strangely interesting

Dilbert pls.

Oh you know that stuff's on the chopping block already.