Author Topic: True love by ban - The tale of glass and 20$  (Read 1333 times)

True Love by Fate

It was a dark and stormy night. An unnatural haze lingered over Blockland Forum. In his bed, Glass shivered. For a summer night, the air was cold and the sky was black. It was almost as if something evil lurked out there in the shadows.

Glass rolled over, clutching his pillow, and tried to fall back asleep. But a worry nagged in the back of his mind. Something was not right. No matter how he tried, some ghostly force prevented him from sleeping. It made him uneasy. With a sigh, he rolled out of bed, pulled on his Shirt, and poured himself a cup of water from the pitcher on his nightstand. Quietly, he left his room.

The halls were silent as he walked in the dark. He did not know where he was going, or why, but his body seemed to move on its own accord. He was being drawn by an unseen power. Past his father's bedroom, past the dining hall, past the Computer room, and out onto the terrace. With the moon hidden behind thick clouds, it was nearly impossible to see in the inky black night. But something lying on the path to Glass's right made him gasp in shock. A body!

'Ban!' Glass shouted. He leapt over the terrace railing and onto the ground below, running toward the fallen form as fast as he could. Tree branches scratched at his skin and pulled at his clothes, but he paid them no mind. Heart pounding, he fell to his knees on the pathway and placed a gentle hand on the figure's Neck.

Now that he was closer, he could see that this was a young Money of his wallet, a the key by the looks of him, who appeared to be no more than 20 years old. But he was in dire need of help. His clothes were torn and bloody, and his hair was matted with Dirt. He needed the attention of a healer, immediately. Without a second thought, Glass picked up the wounded the key and, cradling him in his arms, carried him inside to seek the help that was so desperately needed.


'His situation is severe,' Papa Glads said in a worried voice. 'Whether or not he will live until morning is beyond my sight. My team of healers will do the best they can, but...' his voice trailed off.

Glass could sense his fear. There was a good chance the young Money might die. 'Is there anything I can do to help?' he asked.

Papa Glads sadly shook his head. 'Nothing the healers are not already trying. But it might help if you just sat with him. He will need to see a friendly face when he wakes up from this ordeal, and you are the closest thing he has right now.'

'I understand,' said Glass. 'And I will stay with him for as long as it takes. I will not let him die.'

With that, Glass turned and hurried to the room where the wounded the key was being housed. He was surrounded by healers, all of whom wore the same concerned expression. They had washed his body and dressed his wounds with healing salve, but still the Money showed no signs of improvement. His breathing was shallow, and his pulse was weak. One of the healers turned to Glass with a defeated sigh.

'It will be an uphill battle,' she said. 'We have done all we can at this time. Now, we can only wait and see if he wakes.'

Glass nodded resolutely. 'I will stay with him through the night and keep watch as he sleeps.'

One by one, the healers left the bedside, the last one closing the door behind her. In the flickering candle light, Glass dipped a square of cloth in the bowl of warm water left by the healers, and gently used it to stroke the injured Money's Lips. Then, taking up the the key's limp hand, he settled into his bedside chair and prepared to wait through the remainder of the long, cold night.


'Where... where am I?'

Glass jerked awake with a start when he heard the words being spoken. He stared down at his patient, an immense wave of relief coursing through his body. The Money was alive! And from the looks of things, he was on his way to making a full recovery.

'You are in Blockland Forum,' Glass told him. 'I found you last night, lying unconscious and nearly dead on a path coming from the forest. I carried you inside, and my father's healers tended to your wounds. Please, tell me your name and how you came to be here.'

'My name is $20,' said the Money. 'I come from his wallet. I was on an errand from my father, to deliver an important message to Badspot in Banland. But last night... All I remember is that I was riding through the forest when suddenly I was attacked by a group of Admin. At least 20 surrounded me. I tried to escape, but there were so many, and I had only my Glass shard for protection. And that is the last thing I recall. I do not know how I came to be here, or why I am not dead.'

Glass smiled at him. 'The stars must shine favourably on you. To live through such an ordeal... that is more than mere luck.' It was more than luck, too, that $20 had wound up in Blockland Forum and Glass had found him. Now that they two were together, it felt almost like fate had lent a hand. $20 was meant to be here, and Glass was meant to have found him. Why, Glass did not know. But it felt so certain.

It also did not hurt that $20 was one of the most beautiful individuals Glass had ever seen. His sleek Green hair contrasted with large, dark Blue eyes set in a lovely face. And his sculpted body, half-hidden by the bed linens, was a further attraction. Glass could hardly suppress his desire to run his hands over that soft hair and perfect body. But he kept his feelings under control. $20 had just barely survived a nearly fatal encounter. Now was not the time for romance.


Within three days, $20 had improved enough to leave his bed. Papa Glads gave him a new set of clothes, and he was able to wander the corridors and gardens by himself. But the one thing that troubled him was Glass's absence. Since the morning when he'd first awoken in Blockland Forum, he had not seen Glass at all. It was as if his rescuer had simply disappeared. He had asked Papa Glads where his son could be, but Papa Glads had no answer. Glass was gone without a trace.

$20 desired to speak with Glass again, and properly thank him for saving his life. But he also just wanted to see the handsome blockhead once more. He could not explain it, but he felt a deep connection to Glass, either forged by the lifesaving bond or some other power. He knew that Glass was someone special. Someone he had to see again.

It wasn't until the sixth day after $20 had recovered that Glass returned to Blockland Forum. He rode up the same path where $20 had been found, dragging a net filled with the heads of Admin behind him. All 20 of them.

'Here are your Admin!' he called to $20. 'I found them hiding out in a cave not far from here.'

$20 stared in surprise, eyes going wide. 'You killed... all of them by yourself?'

'I cannot let such dangerous creatures roam free in our lands,' Glass replied. 'And I did it for you. They nearly killed you. I do not want anything like that to happen again.'

$20 could feel his heart pounding as Glass spoke. Glass killed those Admin... for him. Before he could stop himself, he leapt at Glass and threw his arms around his neck, kissing the brave blockhead on the Face.

Glass laughed in surprise, but did not pull away. 'What was that for?'

'Just a thank you,' $20 said. He smiled, but when he saw the suddenly serious look in Glass's eyes, the smile faded. 'What is wrong?' he asked, worried.

'$20,' said Glass, 'I have to confess something to you. That first morning you were here... I thought you were so beautiful. I wanted to kiss you then, but I did not know how you would react.

$20 gasped in shock. 'Kiss... me?'

'I told myself I must not, because of the terrible ordeal you had just suffered. It was not the right time. But these past few days while I was gone, I could think only of you the entire time. And now...'

'Glass...' $20 sighed his name. 'I thought about you too. All the time, while you were gone. I was worried I would never see you again.'

Glass lifted his hand to gently stroke $20 on the cheek. 'I am sorry I ran off like that. I should have said something to you.'

Taking a deep breath, $20 said, 'Glass, there is something I have been considering over the past several days. I think we were meant to find each other. What happened to me... it was no accident of fate. I was meant to come here. You were meant to rescue me.'

A bright smile broke across Glass's face as soon as $20 had spoken. 'You know,' he said, 'I had been thinking the same thing! That night when I found you I had been worried an unable to think. Some strange power led me out to the terrace, and that was when I saw you.'

$20 took Glass's hand. 'So you think... we are meant to be together?'

'I have no doubt of it.' Slowly, Glass leaned in and kissed $20 softly on the lips. 'I love you,' he whispered.

'I love you too, Glass,' $20 whispered in return.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 05:24:37 PM by kidplasma »

i swear this entire site is on drugs

the $ is written before the amount

and then  glass got a new key

it was all a trick

Someone give me another huge BLF situation with locations and everything a story needs.

Someone give me another huge BLF situation with locations and everything a story needs.

The invasion of Nevermind/BlockoBlocko

   It all started when our antagonizing protagonist, Badspot, woke up in a imaginery desert. It was the third time it had happened. Feeling barely worried, Badspot stroked a carrot, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Like a drunken sailor at happy hour, he realized that his beloved carrot was missing!  Immediately he called his bed-friend, Ephialtes. Badspot had known Ephialtes for (plus or minus) 61 years, the majority of which were enchanting ones.  Ephialtes was unique. He was intelligent though sometimes a little... insensitive. Badspot called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

   Ephialtes picked up to a very unhappy Badspot. Ephialtes calmly assured him that most legless puppies sneeze before mating, yet legless puppies usually scandalously grimace *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Badspot.  Why was Ephialtes trying to distract Badspot?  Because he had snuck out from Badspot's with the carrot only eleven days prior.  It was a electric little carrot... how could he resist?

   It didn't take long before Badspot got back to the subject at hand: his carrot. Ephialtes sneezed. Relunctantly, Ephialtes invited him over, assuring him they'd find the carrot. Badspot grabbed his rhinocerus and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Ephialtes realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the carrot and he had to do it aimlessly. He figured that if Badspot took the homemade car, he had take at least four minutes before Badspot would get there.  But if he took the Banmobile?  Then Ephialtes would be barely screwed.

   Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Ephialtes was interrupted by seven stupid Rotondos that were lured by his carrot. Ephialtes grimaced; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling concerned, he deftly reached for his potato and aggressively deflowered every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the haunted thicket, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief.  That's when he heard the Banmobile rolling up.  It was Badspot.


   As he pulled up, he felt a sense of urgency. He had had to make an unscheduled stop at Sears to pick up a 12-pack of bananas, so he knew he was running late.  With a hasty leap, Badspot was out of the Banmobile and went indiscriminately jaunting toward Ephialtes's front door.  Meanwhile inside,  Ephialtes was panicking.  Not thinking, he tossed the carrot into a box of dangerous oil-soaked rags and then slid the box behind his elephant. Ephialtes was pleased but at least the carrot was concealed.  The doorbell rang.

   'Come in,' Ephialtes scandalously purred.  With a deft push, Badspot opened the door.  'Sorry for being late, but I was being chased by some selfish flaming idiot in a time machine,' he lied.  'It's fine,' Ephialtes assured him. Badspot took a seat RIGHT next to where Ephialtes had hidden the carrot. Ephialtes grimaced trying unsuccessfully to hide his nervousness.  'Uhh, can I get you anything?' he blurted.  But Badspot was distracted. Heart filled with earnest fortitude, Ephialtes noticed a oafish look on Badspot's face. Badspot slowly opened his mouth to speak.

   '...What's that smell?'

   Ephialtes felt a stabbing pain in his love handle when Badspot asked this.  In a moment of disbelief, he realized that he had hidden the carrot right by his oscillating fan. 'Wh-what?  I don't smell anything..!'  A lie.  A stupid look started to form on Badspot's face. He turned to notice a box that seemed clearly out of place. 'Th-th-those are just my grandma's wolverines from when she used to have pet man-eating capybaras.  She, uh...dropped 'em by here earlier'. Badspot nodded with fake acknowledgement...then, before Ephialtes could react, Badspot aimlessly lunged toward the box and opened it.  The carrot was plainly in view.

   Badspot stared at Ephialtes for what what must've been ten nanoseconds. Suddenly inspired by the wise teachings of Confuscious, Ephialtes groped flamboyantly in Badspot's direction, clearly desperate. Badspot grabbed the carrot and bolted for the door.  It was locked. Ephialtes let out a enticing chuckle. 'If only you hadn't been so protective of that thing, none of this would have happened, Badspot,' he rebuked. Ephialtes always had been a little clueless, so Badspot knew that reconciliation was not an option; he needed to escape before Ephialtes did something crazy, like... start chucking gerbils at him or something. Suddenly inspired by the wise teachings of Confuscious, he gripped his carrot tightly and made a dash toward the window, diving headlong through the glass panels.

   Ephialtes looked on, blankly. 'What the hell?  That seemed excessive.  The other door was open, you know.' Silence from Badspot. 'And to think, I varnished that window frame four days never ends!' Suddenly he felt a tinge of concern for Badspot. 'Oh.  You ..okay?' Still silence. Ephialtes walked over to the window and looked down. Badspot was gone.


   Just yonder, Badspot was struggling to make his way through the lemur-infested moor behind Ephialtes's place. Badspot had severely hurt his love handle during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength.  Another pack of feral Rotondos suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the carrot.  One by one they latched on to Badspot.  Already weakened from his injury, Badspot yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed.  The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of Rotondos running off with his carrot.

   About three hours later, Badspot awoke, his love handle throbbing.  It was dark and Badspot did not know where he was.  Deep in the mysterious foxy forest, Badspot was ridiculously lost. Like a drunken sailor at happy hour, he remembered that his carrot was taken by the Rotondos. But at that point, he was just thankful for his life.  That's when, to his horror, a enormous Rotondo emerged from the imaginery desert.  It was the alpha Rotondo. Badspot opened his mouth to scream but was cut short when the Rotondo sunk its teeth into Badspot's double chin. With a faint groan, the life escaped from Badspot's lungs, but not before he realized that he was a failure.

   Less than four miles away, Ephialtes was entombed by anguish over the loss of the carrot.  'MY PRECIOUS!!' he cried, as he reached for a sharpened live hand grenade.  With a hasty thrust, he buried it deeply into his taint.  As the room began to fade to black, he thought about Badspot... wishing he had found the courage to tell him that he loved him.  But he would die alone that day.  All that remained was the carrot that had turned them against each other, ultimately causing their demise.  And as the dew on melancholy sappling branches began to reflect the dawn's reddish glare, all that could be heard was the chilling cry of distant Rotondos, desecrating all things sacred to virtuous men, and perpetuating an evil that would reign for centuries to come.  Our heroes would've lived unhappily ever after, but they were too busy being dead.  So, no one lived forever after, the end. :'(

   It all started when our antagonizing protagonist, Badspot, woke up in a imaginery desert. It was the third time it had happened. Feeling barely worried, Badspot stroked a carrot, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Like a drunken sailor at happy hour, he realized that his beloved carrot was missing!  Immediately he called his bed-friend, Ephialtes. Badspot had known Ephialtes for (plus or minus) 61 years, the majority of which were enchanting ones.  Ephialtes was unique. He was intelligent though sometimes a little... insensitive. Badspot called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

   Ephialtes picked up to a very unhappy Badspot. Ephialtes calmly assured him that most legless puppies sneeze before mating, yet legless puppies usually scandalously grimace *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Badspot.  Why was Ephialtes trying to distract Badspot?  Because he had snuck out from Badspot's with the carrot only eleven days prior.  It was a electric little carrot... how could he resist?

   It didn't take long before Badspot got back to the subject at hand: his carrot. Ephialtes sneezed. Relunctantly, Ephialtes invited him over, assuring him they'd find the carrot. Badspot grabbed his rhinocerus and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Ephialtes realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the carrot and he had to do it aimlessly. He figured that if Badspot took the homemade car, he had take at least four minutes before Badspot would get there.  But if he took the Banmobile?  Then Ephialtes would be barely screwed.

   Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Ephialtes was interrupted by seven stupid Rotondos that were lured by his carrot. Ephialtes grimaced; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling concerned, he deftly reached for his potato and aggressively deflowered every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the haunted thicket, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief.  That's when he heard the Banmobile rolling up.  It was Badspot.


   As he pulled up, he felt a sense of urgency. He had had to make an unscheduled stop at Sears to pick up a 12-pack of bananas, so he knew he was running late.  With a hasty leap, Badspot was out of the Banmobile and went indiscriminately jaunting toward Ephialtes's front door.  Meanwhile inside,  Ephialtes was panicking.  Not thinking, he tossed the carrot into a box of dangerous oil-soaked rags and then slid the box behind his elephant. Ephialtes was pleased but at least the carrot was concealed.  The doorbell rang.

   'Come in,' Ephialtes scandalously purred.  With a deft push, Badspot opened the door.  'Sorry for being late, but I was being chased by some selfish flaming idiot in a time machine,' he lied.  'It's fine,' Ephialtes assured him. Badspot took a seat RIGHT next to where Ephialtes had hidden the carrot. Ephialtes grimaced trying unsuccessfully to hide his nervousness.  'Uhh, can I get you anything?' he blurted.  But Badspot was distracted. Heart filled with earnest fortitude, Ephialtes noticed a oafish look on Badspot's face. Badspot slowly opened his mouth to speak.

   '...What's that smell?'

   Ephialtes felt a stabbing pain in his love handle when Badspot asked this.  In a moment of disbelief, he realized that he had hidden the carrot right by his oscillating fan. 'Wh-what?  I don't smell anything..!'  A lie.  A stupid look started to form on Badspot's face. He turned to notice a box that seemed clearly out of place. 'Th-th-those are just my grandma's wolverines from when she used to have pet man-eating capybaras.  She, uh...dropped 'em by here earlier'. Badspot nodded with fake acknowledgement...then, before Ephialtes could react, Badspot aimlessly lunged toward the box and opened it.  The carrot was plainly in view.

   Badspot stared at Ephialtes for what what must've been ten nanoseconds. Suddenly inspired by the wise teachings of Confuscious, Ephialtes groped flamboyantly in Badspot's direction, clearly desperate. Badspot grabbed the carrot and bolted for the door.  It was locked. Ephialtes let out a enticing chuckle. 'If only you hadn't been so protective of that thing, none of this would have happened, Badspot,' he rebuked. Ephialtes always had been a little clueless, so Badspot knew that reconciliation was not an option; he needed to escape before Ephialtes did something crazy, like... start chucking gerbils at him or something. Suddenly inspired by the wise teachings of Confuscious, he gripped his carrot tightly and made a dash toward the window, diving headlong through the glass panels.

   Ephialtes looked on, blankly. 'What the hell?  That seemed excessive.  The other door was open, you know.' Silence from Badspot. 'And to think, I varnished that window frame four days never ends!' Suddenly he felt a tinge of concern for Badspot. 'Oh.  You ..okay?' Still silence. Ephialtes walked over to the window and looked down. Badspot was gone.


   Just yonder, Badspot was struggling to make his way through the lemur-infested moor behind Ephialtes's place. Badspot had severely hurt his love handle during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength.  Another pack of feral Rotondos suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the carrot.  One by one they latched on to Badspot.  Already weakened from his injury, Badspot yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed.  The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of Rotondos running off with his carrot.

   About three hours later, Badspot awoke, his love handle throbbing.  It was dark and Badspot did not know where he was.  Deep in the mysterious foxy forest, Badspot was ridiculously lost. Like a drunken sailor at happy hour, he remembered that his carrot was taken by the Rotondos. But at that point, he was just thankful for his life.  That's when, to his horror, a enormous Rotondo emerged from the imaginery desert.  It was the alpha Rotondo. Badspot opened his mouth to scream but was cut short when the Rotondo sunk its teeth into Badspot's double chin. With a faint groan, the life escaped from Badspot's lungs, but not before he realized that he was a failure.

   Less than four miles away, Ephialtes was entombed by anguish over the loss of the carrot.  'MY PRECIOUS!!' he cried, as he reached for a sharpened live hand grenade.  With a hasty thrust, he buried it deeply into his taint.  As the room began to fade to black, he thought about Badspot... wishing he had found the courage to tell him that he loved him.  But he would die alone that day.  All that remained was the carrot that had turned them against each other, ultimately causing their demise.  And as the dew on melancholy sappling branches began to reflect the dawn's reddish glare, all that could be heard was the chilling cry of distant Rotondos, desecrating all things sacred to virtuous men, and perpetuating an evil that would reign for centuries to come.  Our heroes would've lived unhappily ever after, but they were too busy being dead.  So, no one lived forever after, the end. :'(

that was incredible 10/10 best story