Author Topic: UI Cursors - V2  (Read 2309 times)

Basically I've been going around trying to get some cursors for people and try to do something productive.
So I got new cursors for blockland!
One of them is the actual aero cursor from windows 7, and another is a anti aliased windows xp cursor!
Feel free to use these in a UI edit or such, but give me credit please!
Download Here.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 12:55:50 AM by [Maxx] »

Added Mac OS X cursor!

they don't have boxes around them ingame, right?

Really nice :)

Gonna download soon!

they don't have boxes around them ingame, right?
i don't know if this is a serious question or not

i don't know if this is a serious question or not
uh, yeah it is.

they don't have boxes around them ingame, right?
No they don't.

they don't have boxes around them ingame, right?
No! Of course not.
those were the images by eachother

I also figured out, if i put a cursor shadow for the mac and aero one, it forgets it up entirely and makes it look like stuff.
So I cant do that.