Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447347 times)

fire xxx summons a lovey demon lady who squats on the enemy and burns them to death while you rear end her with your massive gorrila rooster but you're safe because you're a fire wizard

So Fire I would be a sort of cantrip, light a candle, sustain a small flame for a short period of time without fuel?

Fire II would be used for utility still. A blacksmith's apprentice would know up to Fire II most of the time, a sole fire mage in a town would know up to this to keep up with the demand of the town.

Fire III would be what the army's spellcasters would use for artillery. of course, some foot soliders would know Fire I for utility.

Fire IV would be magic commanders and high ranking officers in the military. Upper class mages could know this spell if enough time was devoted

Fire V would be magic that a king or a high ranking ruler would have, or at the very least somebody in his court.

Fire X would be for a dragon or something similar.

Fire XX would be from a godly revelation or something that grants god's powers. It would take some serious willpower to not die from casting this.

I'm still not feeling it with the whole number idea still. I want some more SPICE.

any suggestions for the top 2 levels?
I think I'd probably do

that's just me throwing stuff out there and maybe it helps idk.

since they're tiers i can see cura working as just healing wounds, sana could probably also cure from poison n stuff and restore the player fully, and reviva could probably resurrect. that's just how i see it tho idk

btw in addition, perhaps there could be different -ga, -ra, and -ja ones depending on which word you're modifying. so if you somehow can't add a -ra to your thing, you can try other short suffixes that can match it

I think I'd probably do

that's just me throwing stuff out there and maybe it helps idk.

btw in addition, perhaps there could be different -ga, -ra, and -ja ones depending on which word you're modifying. so if you somehow can't add a -ra to your thing, you can try other short suffixes that can match it

Actually, I already have a Cure and Revive skill separate of each other. So that probably wouldnt work.

is Sana from Sano in latin? That could possibly work for something. Of course, they could just be -ra, -ga, -ja.




Fire is the typical variant of the fire spell that is literally just 'get some fire in here'

Soldier's Flame is a more specialized variant of fire that 'stems' from Fire III that is used for casting fire to hit targets from very far away and Soldier's Flame V is a forgetin homing bullet fireball. because it stems from Fire III, Soldier's Flame III is actually the 'first' level of Soldier's Flame and Soldier's Flame I and II are actually highly specialized super precise variants of the spell

Flame Wheel is another specialized variant of fire that emits a ring of flame stemming from Fire IIII whose firepower is less intense but it's range is comparatively very large and Flame Wheel V makes it follow the caster around like a shield, but Flame Wheel X allows you to forgetin throw the ring of fire out like a boomerang and it'll fly right back and re-orient itself around you

etc, etc

Actually, I already have a Cure and Revive skill separate of each other. So that probably wouldnt work.

is Sana from Sano in latin? That could possibly work for something. Of course, they could just be -ra, -ga, -ja.
ah thats fine

also sana literally means "heals" in spanish, that's where i got it from



I like the idea but that makes a LOT more work for specialized spells. Even with something like skill trees, I don't want to limit the player to choosing between Soldier's Flame and Flame Wheel or something like that.

ah thats fine

also sana literally means "heals" in spanish, that's where i got it from

oh stuff sano also means healthy in spanish

that's not a limit that just implies that some people know different varieties of fire

here's a soldier, he knows Soldier's Flame because he has to shoot people with fire. here's a traveler, she knows Flame Wheel because she has to keep out animals at night and a ring of fire is very good at keeping everything around her away from her

that's not a limit that just implies that some people know different varieties of fire

here's a soldier, he knows Soldier's Flame because he has to shoot people with fire. here's a traveler, she knows Flame Wheel because she has to keep out animals at night and a ring of fire is very good at keeping everything around her away from her

but i'm talking about spells for the party!

the point is they're arbitrary monikers

like they're individually named because that's just what the people who use them call those spells

they're all custom

the point is they're arbitrary monikers

like they're individually named because that's just what the people who use them call those spells

they're all custom

you just said use numbers now you're saying use names??

you could prefixes as well, something broad like lite to signify this spell isn't deadly

Utility spells could be Lite-fire or Lite-Bolt or whatever elements you're using

soldier's fire III is a level of soldier's fire. it is called 'soldier's fire' because it is used predominantly by soldiers, who use fire

forget I can't decide on how I want players to save their progress. Part of the reason why skyrim is such an unenjoyable experience in the long run is because the automatic save-scumming all but removes the sort of tension you get from losing progress because you died.

I think this is sorta why games like Dark Souls have an edge on real, meaningful difficulty because your accomplishments don't feel shallow. Going toe-to-toe with a boss could mean losing lots of progress and effort so the stakes are high. In skyrim you can just quicksave and quickload at strategic points and never lose.

With that said, I don't know how scarce save states should be. Obviously it's very situational, kinda like the contrast between autosaving after a climax and RE1's idea of having a limited amount of saves.