Thats exactly the point. Im trying to get peoples mind focused off of an anime thats nothing but animals fighting eachother for 22 minutes tops and instead replace it all with a good series that focuses on the relationship between a robot and a boy. Plus, doraemon doesnt try loving crazily hard to pander to kids like pokemon does.
pokemon doesnt pander to kids crazy hard either. the pokedex is some forgetin metal stuff in some versions, especially sun and moon

Doraemon also didn't have Cyrus, the boss from Gen4 who captured 3 Gods of Emotion, used their pure suffering made manifest into a chain to summon and control the Gods of Time and Space so he could try to
destroy the universe and make a new one where he was God and emotion doesn't exist (he's a psychopath who hates emotion, you see), only to be stopped by Pokemon Satan who pulled him into Pokemon Hell and ate him until another team from a different timeline summoned him and he got his ass kicked by a kid who sniffs people's beds as a hobby.