Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 500508 times)

Unless you claim you know more than i do about the doraemon franchise so you throw another argument towards me

lol ok its been 7 years since I last watched/read doraemon but here goes

 my favorite 10 inventions in order
1. the world changing telephone booth
2. the translator bread
3. object duplication hand mirror
4. loving anywhere door
5. the pocket device which gives you a 3 meter forcefield that lets certain stuff through
6. bamboo copter
7. intangibility granting "new driver" sticker
8. portable hole
9. that machine that reads your memories and finds lost items
10. the big bags that turn water into play doh or some stuff

the movies I can remember watching:
1. that one where they explore the jungle and save an ancient race of dog people with a giant statue
2. the one where they go back in time and fight the lizard people after running away from their parents
3. the one where they find a portal to the clockwork dimension and have to defeat the tyrant robots
4. the one where they visit a land of tiny people and just as they're about to be executed they grow back to normal size and rekt everybody
5. the one where they visit ancient Japan and defeat another time traveller
6. the one with the robot world where they shut down robot adam and eve
7. the one with the cloud civilization and morals about ecoprotection
8. the one where they're lost in magic fantasy world and Gian kills some sirens with his singing
9. the one where they have a spaceship and get caught up in interstellar conflict
10. the one where doraemon is aladdin and so are the rest of them
11. doraemon's journey to the west

huh I guess I watched more than 10 after all
I remember having this big collection of Chinese bootleg dvds of all those movies that we lost when we changed house
I could be a girl for all you know

forget you zach
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 11:12:07 AM by Pompmaker2 »

i'm also allowed to hate on doraemon

I like doraemon, i just hate zach for making such a big deal of it

doraemon did nothing wrong, doraezach the true evil

Pomp im 6 feet tall in real life

I could beat the stuff out of you if i wanted

Pomp im 6 feet tall in real life

I could beat the stuff out of you if i wanted
theres no way your 13 and your going to beat up a loving 20 something year old (i think thats how old pomp is)
get some hair on your balls if you cant handle someone doesnt like your anime instead of threatening to give them a new face
thats something not even a toddler would say

Pomp im 6 feet tall in real life

I could beat the stuff out of you if i wanted
as a 6'2" human being i can safely say that height =/= strength big boy

as a 150cm woman (metric ftw) I can say that I will absolutely destroy you zach come at me

as a 150cm woman (metric ftw) I can say that I will absolutely destroy you zach come at me

actually mentally scar zach

after he goes up against all 170cm of this prime male muscle there'll be nothing left of his round white ass

Also, in the anime, why the forget is meowth the only one who could talk?
What the forget did team rocket do to him? Did they inject human blood into him?
i thought anyone who was a human could talk

the chad doreazach vs the virgin pompgirl

being tall makes you more vulnerable to small people because if you get donkey-kicked in your legs you will loving buckle

Pomp im 6 feet tall in real life

I could beat the stuff out of you if i wanted

Thats exactly the point. Im trying to get peoples mind focused off of an anime thats nothing but animals fighting eachother for 22 minutes tops and instead replace it all with a good series that focuses on the relationship between a robot and a boy. Plus, doraemon doesnt try loving crazily hard to pander to kids like pokemon does.
pokemon doesnt pander to kids crazy hard either. the pokedex is some forgetin metal stuff in some versions, especially sun and moon

Doraemon also didn't have Cyrus, the boss from Gen4 who captured 3 Gods of Emotion, used their pure suffering made manifest into a chain to summon and control the Gods of Time and Space so he could try to destroy the universe and make a new one where he was God and emotion doesn't exist (he's a psychopath who hates emotion, you see), only to be stopped by Pokemon Satan who pulled him into Pokemon Hell and ate him until another team from a different timeline summoned him and he got his ass kicked by a kid who sniffs people's beds as a hobby.