Author Topic: No more good servers...?  (Read 4829 times)

Furdle's Star Wars battlefield will be getting hosted soon!

Prepare for Siege of the Blockheads.

One server I really liked was "Puggle's Shenanigans" good times.

I'm making a Lee Harvey Oswald RP to celebrate the 50th anniversary of JFK. Oswald shoots the president and now the citizens have to hide to not get shot by Oswald while he defends himself from the cops. In my opinion, I think this will be a great server for someone like you. :)

You dont need to have a fit
you don't need to have one either. now stop whining about there being no good servers currently. It's not like blockland is the only game you have, and if it is, go outside or something for forgets sake. Games aren't meant to last forever, some get boring after a while.
also hamhost is stuff and hammereditor will probably steal your key if you use it.

you don't need to have one either. now stop whining about there being no good servers currently. It's not like blockland is the only game you have, and if it is, go outside or something for forgets sake. Games aren't meant to last forever, some get boring after a while.
also hamhost is stuff and hammereditor will probably steal your key if you use it.

Okay, no need to be mad.

There is a TDM run by Kyle that's pretty decent. It's not the best, but it was enjoyable.

The reason there are no more good servers is because a lot of people are too lazy or lack to motivation to actually make it happen. I mainly think it's because we don't have a quick and easy way to make maps anymore since Interiors & Terrains got removed. There is also the problem with building brick maps because it might hit the brick limit. Another thing, why does almost everyone think that getting on Steam will solve this? Yeah it may bring good ideas, but it really comes down to if they are willing to put in the time and effort to slave over it to actually make something fun and entertaining.

I would suggest for everyone to hang onto their pants because there are a lot of good servers in the making right now and will be out soon.
Such as Spade's Arcade, Day B, SCP Containment Breach, Etc.
Yeah these servers are coming out but, Spade's Arcade is going to shut down again eventually, Day B is remaking a new map, deciding that they weren't going to use the one they spent so long on, and I'm not sure about SCP Containment Breach.

also nobody is going to give you free hosting
He never said "Free"


There are good servers out there.
I venture out and check out some random servers every night.

The reason why you see all the players clumped up in one server is because our player base is very small. So they all just attract to what ever server has players on it.

I usually look for servers with 2 or 3 people. Servers with 4-99 have douches on it most of the time, like Tezuni's Jail server.

Tezuni- "Cares about the fame, not the players..."

I usually look for servers with 2 or 3 people. Servers with 4-99 have douches on it most of the time,

I can hear the hipster in this post

I usually look for servers with 2 or 3 people. Servers with 4-99 have douches on it most of the time, like Tezuni's Jail server.

Tezuni- "Cares about the fame, not the players..."

Same :/, but those servers arent that good either

Same :/, but those servers arent that good either
so you don't like servers with playercounts above 4??

Bottom line is that if you think there aren't any good servers you need to make your own. Get building! Be creative! With all of the add-ons at out disposal, what reason is there not to build a cool server? Laziness? Hah! Just keep at it. When you have something you're working on and you don't wanna work on it, load it up anyways. Mill about and do what you wanna do if you're fiddling with add-ons or whatever, but build. Build! It may take months, but if you keep at it and don't start anything else it'll get done. EVentually.

Diggy Metropolis RPG will be back soon.
Wait, are you serious? Don't be joking about this; because if you are, I will find you, and I will kill you.

If you aren't joking
Oh forget yes.

It's been so long. I want to play it again because nostalgia. :(

Wait, are you serious? Don't be joking about this; because if you are, I will find you, and I will kill you.

If you aren't joking
It's been so long. I want to play it again because nostalgia. :(

what is metropolis rpg?