Author Topic: Psp the handicapped jerk  (Read 2366 times)

I was playing Psp's city RPG then he suddenly duped on my lot for me and took ownership of it. He sold it on the market, then the douchebag "octacon came along and bought it. I kept asking for my lot back then one badmin bans me for the reason "spam". This is the horrible quality of his city rpg....NEVER JOIN IT!

wow that's a bit less than neighbourly

i was waiting for the end of those quotation marks

wow that's a bit less than neighbourly

Psp doesn't really manage the server, he just hosts it. He mostly makes it my job to manage the server. If you can give me the names and BL_IDs of all the people related to said incident and actually speak proper english, I might be able to help you in some way.

Spam isn't perma-bannable, however in the rules that I wrote and am in charge of enforcing on the server, I give all admins the right to delete your lot if it is spammy, ugly, abusive or overall just bad.
If you make a lot all 1x1 bricks, you have no room to complain.

From what I've gathered, here's what happened:
You made a really spammy build out of small bricks, weren't an extremely important player, psp deleted your entire lot, sold the lot baseplate to make some money, Ota BOUGHT your lot space and you figured that ota owed you the lot because he paid for the space. As a result you whined to admins who eventually got tired of you and banned you for the only thing they could legitimately ban you for; spamming.
If you can provide some kind of proof, I will look into the matter on your behalf. Otherwise, best of luck, cause I hardly go on anymore with all the resets psp does

No, join his server and ask him.

Oh and he also perma'd me.

Adin's probably right. I've been an admin on a City RP before and that's how it goes.

Psp doesn't really manage the server, he just hosts it. He mostly makes it my job to manage the server. If you can give me the names and BL_IDs of all the people related to said incident and actually speak proper english, I might be able to help you in some way.

Spam isn't perma-bannable, however in the rules that I wrote and am in charge of enforcing on the server, I give all admins the right to delete your lot if it is spammy, ugly, abusive or overall just bad.
If you make a lot all 1x1 bricks, you have no room to complain.

From what I've gathered, here's what happened:
You made a really spammy build out of small bricks, weren't an extremely important player, psp deleted your entire lot, sold the lot baseplate to make some money, Ota BOUGHT your lot space and you figured that ota owed you the lot because he paid for the space. As a result you whined to admins who eventually got tired of you and banned you for the only thing they could legitimately ban you for; spamming.
If you can provide some kind of proof, I will look into the matter on your behalf. Otherwise, best of luck, cause I hardly go on anymore with all the resets psp does

That seems lame. Your lot gets deleted because you aren't a important player?

Why would psp sell a lot for money, if he can grant himself money?

Because hes a stupid,handicapped,jerky,stupid douchecigarette!

my first experience on psp's city rpg is someone kept resetting their record every time they got jailed and just shot everyone

That seems lame. Your lot gets deleted because you aren't a important player?

Why would psp sell a lot for money, if he can grant himself money?
No, that's how life works as a whole.
If you're a nobody with a level 1 education, you get on the server once a week, and have a net worth of less than 1k, you aren't worth much to the server.
If you're a drug lord with a net worth of 5 mil, a clan, 7 lots and you'r a lvl 8 education, odds are you won't be banned. They're more important because they're online more and create more server traffic.

You're lot doesn't get destroyed for not being important, your lot gets destroyed for looking like stuff. If you make a lot out of 1x1 plates, I'm going to clear every single brick you own and ban you. If you make a decent build, then you're fine. Simple as that.
Further, NONE of the admins can grant, or /rain, or anything. Those functions were disabled. They create an unstable economy.

Because hes a stupid,handicapped,jerky,stupid douchecigarette!
You're just fuming and further making an idiot of yourself. Anyone who has to line up a whole sentence worth of adjectives to describe someone isn't really believable. If you want to get help looking into the matter, your best bet is to be professional.

my first experience on psp's city rpg is someone kept resetting their record every time they got jailed and just shot everyone
Sounds like an admin. Players can reset, but they lose everything. Admins can erase JUST the criminal record, and things work out fine for them i.e. they keep everything. There are admins that do abuse this ability, and there is nothing I can do about them. Psp clears his admin lists, then he re-admins idiots. It's just something you have to deal with.

Sounds like an admin. Players can reset, but they lose everything. Admins can erase JUST the criminal record, and things work out fine for them i.e. they keep everything. There are admins that do abuse this ability, and there is nothing I can do about them. Psp clears his admin lists, then he re-admins idiots. It's just something you have to deal with.
I don't recall him being admin, nor do I remember admins even being on the server at that time

I don't recall him being admin, nor do I remember admins even being on the server at that time
so he was resetting his entire account, acquiring guns with low funds, and going on kill sprees?