Author Topic: A mod that enables weapon/item access based on "levels?"  (Read 2235 times)

I'm trying to find a mod that applies a server-based 'level' system based on kills, achievements, etc, that allows access (for example) to weapons and items. For example one level equals 10 kills or whatever. And when you reach 'level 3' you can access a more powerful weapon. Or maybe for every death it sets you back 1 point towards your next level. Is there a mod like this? I haven't played the game in about a year so now that I'm hosting again I'm looking for good mods for my team deathmatch servers. If this mod doesn't exist someone should totallllyyyy consider making it. It's a pretty simple idea. ;P

I'm sure there is, but they're most likely private or personal add-ons.

Not all that relevant but IMO this would make a shooter gamemode quite unbalanced.

It could if the weapons awarded were overpowered. Otherwise it should be fine.

It could if the weapons awarded were overpowered. Otherwise it should be fine.
isn't that the point?
Why would you want to work to earn a worse weapon?

isn't that the point?
Why would you want to work to earn a worse weapon?
Who says it's worse? It could be equal, yet cooler.
Or can be used for other items, like unlocking a new medkit that heals more than a lower level version (while this is technically unbalanced, things like medkits or grenades are used just once so don't offer permanent bonuses).
The system could also be used for access to things like new spawn points, or classes.

A level system doesn't have to be unbalanced.

isn't that the point?
Why would you want to work to earn a worse weapon?
Very cute. Obviously not a worse weapon and as dooble just said it can be managed accordingly. The idea isn't for more powerful weapons per say but maybe unlock classes and stuff. Like 'oh hey you got x kills now you're allowed to use the sniper class' etc. It could be used for a lot of things. Not just where your mind seems to go directly to 'abusively used overpowered weapons' which makes me worry about what you're thinking of soon as you think of a level system.

This is the same thing as the shop system except it's called something different. Have the kills and achievements give points and you use the points to buy, it's the same thing.

Who says it's worse? It could be equal, yet cooler.
Like 'oh hey you got x kills now you're allowed to use the sniper class' etc.
Generally the idea of a level system is to get people to play longer, as they want to work towards something.
If it's not an improvement then no one gives a stuff.
No one's going to stay on your server for an hour to rack up enough kills if all they get is a reskin of another gun or some stuffty effect.

Other classes could be a good idea, but the higher classes will either be overpowered or not worth using.
Imagine if TF2 made you start as a soldier and earn all the other classes. Pretty dumb, right?

Trust me, I've hosted this kind of thing before.

No one's going to stay on your server for an hour to rack up enough kills if all they get is a reskin of another gun or some stuffty effect.
Have you ever played call of duty?
there are people like that

VCE works very well for this request.

See now thank you everyone who's actually not wasting my time. Dren doesn't understand what I'm saying whatsoever and because you other two seem to get me I'm going to have to unfortunately assume Dren is just stupid. Poor Dren. But anyways thanks guys.

wrong board go to suggestions and requests

See now thank you everyone who's actually not wasting my time. Dren doesn't understand what I'm saying whatsoever and because you other two seem to get me I'm going to have to unfortunately assume Dren is just stupid. Poor Dren. But anyways thanks guys.
you never cease to amaze with your irrational hostility

So what you're saying is, you can't access certain weapons or items until you play Avicii - Levels?

See now thank you everyone who's actually not wasting my time. Dren doesn't understand what I'm saying whatsoever and because you other two seem to get me I'm going to have to unfortunately assume Dren is just stupid. Poor Dren. But anyways thanks guys.
I'm not really sure you read what DrenDran said at all.