Author Topic: If Disney Bought Blockland  (Read 15864 times)

'Blockheads' would be removed, and game-modes would be replaced with levels.

My guess is that there would be NO weapons or "Violent vehicles", You would have to purchase $10-$25 Brick packs or paint colors, Blockland would have the same fate as TF2 Or CP. Little kids everywhere talking about their Online Girlfriends that are infact 37 Year old men
TF2 isn't really that bad though.

We need to make an emergency Disney hotline for Blockland when this happens. Then, we strike.

We need to make a fun Disney hotline for new users when this happens. Then, we play.
«Last Edit by:Disney with the Reason: "Treason"»

permanent ban for saying bad words, including: crap, damn, love, privates, hate, nickelodeon, etc etc etecttctetc

only one server, ran by disney

add-on system removed

price is now $50 per month

if you dont buy the game you cannot chat (a roblox-like 'safe chat' system will be intergrated), can only place 100 bricks, cannot play singleplayer


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I would hide in a base and since it would end up being browser based I would hack a mini nuke in and start defending my $200 base

We need to make an emergency Disney hotline for Blockland when this happens. Then, we strike.

Or an anti-Disney armory.