Author Topic: Nintendo to Enforce Manditory Breaks?  (Read 565 times)

You know those annoying interruptions when playing on the Wii and WiiU that suggest to take a break?
Well it seems Nintendo thinks it's a good idea to enforce that idea.

Now, all Nintendo games will enforce an autosave and game shutdown every 30 mins for you to"take a break" from playing.

What the everloving forget?


I'm hoping the source is faulty..

This is why I don't like consoles, a PC isn't as easy to put mandatory breaks on.

i dont think the japanese realize how much free time we have.

their kids have to get off of school to go to cram school to go to work in the rice fields, to work father's fish stand, to fend off the harem at home, to THEN spend half an hour playing video games.

us american kids just have to balance video game time with tv time.


I'm hoping the source is faulty..

I hope it is too otherwise Nintendo's asking for even more of a decline in sales. It should be an optional feature parents can enable but that's the furthest I'm okay with. If this source is true I probably wont be buying another Nintendo game until/if it's removed.

yes this site is definitely not satirical at all

yes this site is definitely not satirical at all

The only thread of hope I see, yes.

Okay, yeah.

stuffs fake as forget.