Author Topic: Is this good?  (Read 1980 times)

Is practicing tracing a thing?

Is practicing tracing a thing?
not really in the way op's doing it. referencing and studying is a far more effective way of practicing than straight up tracing is.

tracing is sometimes fine, under specific circumstances

sometimes if i can't figure out how to draw something i trace over it to get an idea of what the basic shape of it is if that makes sense - but i don't take the traced-over image and post it, i just think about what shapes i just used while tracing over it and then i draw those shapes again and make some changes so it looks nice, so it's not directly tracing

however there's not much point in just tracing over a picture and posting it other than if you're trying to steal it. there's not really much skill involved in just tracing so it's not impressive, it's just a picture which has been traced over
so basically tracing is ok if you're just starting to learn how to draw a specific thing, but you shouldn't do it all the time and there's no need to post it

have you noticed how whenever i make a post that's even slightly long it's just me going over the same points over and over again with slightly different wording sorry

other than if you're trying to steal it
which is probably what he was doing, I doubt he actually wanted to give credit to the owner, if he did then he should of given credit in the OP itself I believe this guy has already tried to steal a build in the gallery to

which is probably what he was doing, I doubt he actually wanted to give credit to the owner, if he did then he should of given credit in the OP itself I believe this guy has already tried to steal a build in the gallery to
When have I ever? Maybe when I lent my key to Drunk Russian,

Tracing? Really lad? Really?

Keep your traces private. It's kinda really forgetin' bad if you post your trace work
(I used to trace, many artists do, so we are both guilty here.)  but can you please not post your tracings?

(I mean, Shygriff does make good points, just saying.)