Author Topic: Tank Wars/World Of Tanks Server  (Read 995 times)

The Concept: An All-Out or Team-Based Tank-War server.

The Reason: The simple fact that I have failed to find any decent or constant tank-battling servers. The last time I saw one was over a year ago, and this is what I want to change.

The Good: I have almost every tank currently made for Blockland. If I'm missing one, I'd be more than happy to add it. I have recording software and dedication. I'm great with hosting, and have Slayer along with the right attitude to host without the server collapsing in on itself.

The Problem: I have extremely limited scheduling due to High School commitments. I won't have more free time until the end of the year, sadly. Finally, I don't have a map to have the tanks fight on, nor can I build well myself.

The End-Game: If anyone is willing to give me a map to have the tank battle on, I would love that, and credit would be posted where you want it. The issue is that while tanks supposedly have an advantage on rough terrain, in Blockland, that isn't the case, but in order for the server not to be completely boring, It would need to have varying terrain. They generally can only go up or move well on specific bricks. Meaning that if it's built the wrong way, you could have a ton of immobile tanks, which isn't any fun. I'm willing to have the map be compatible with all tanks, or only specific ones if the map-maker doesn't want to suit for all of them. If you agree to build it, I'll send you specifics on the size and characteristics necessary, but I doubt it should be to hard, though I do generally like detailed builds.

The Map Itself: I would like, as i said, varying terrain. I'd like trees, plants, perhaps different "biomes" or areas. (Deserts, Jungles, Woods, Rivers, ect) I'd like to have at least one or two tanks be able to navigate the terrain. (IE: The "Maus" tank cannot go up essentially any terrain, so it wouldn't be practical to shape the map for it, but the T-90 has the capability of going on greater degrees of terrain) Bridges, buildings, and other forms of cover, obstacles, or targets would be highly useful. If it can be built out of something other than GSF Terrain, that's fine, though GSF is preferred due to ascetics. It should not, however, include spawn points or team bases. That will be added in by me personally after the map has been loaded. I'd like water on this map, but it's not an absolute. If it's made without it and it's still a great map, I don't really care.

Most importantly, it needs to be big, since tanks can cover a decent amount of area, and i'd like large teams, with long rounds playing on it.

TL:DR: I need a map to do a tank-war server on. If you're willing to build one for me, I'd really, really appreciate it.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 12:11:00 PM by Tyler799 »

Bump since I didn't get a single reply. I know there's someone out there who can do it.

-The faq was I thinking of-
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 11:44:15 PM by Advanced Bot »

You're better of posting stats right away for what you want, instead of telling them after they agree to it.

OP Updated to include map specifications. Anything else I need to add to it's description?

Your on to my secret build damnit! well time to spill the beans, I did plan on keeping secret :l Basically im making a Motder city with tons of outskirts. Im working on it alone i plan on trying to make it on the scale of 5 kilometers by 4.5 kilometers. Only problem, their will need to be a gunner also. Im also editing sounds on pompmakers tanks for this server. Im not realising any of the things i am going to add/make for the server publicly but i might privately if someone that i know can make great use of them.

Motder? Do you mean Modern? Or Mod-Terrain?
Also, just because I posted a similar suggestion doesn't mean you needed to reveal some kind of "secret build" :P
Edited tanks to have more sound effects does indeed sound quite cool.
I really can't read half of what you wrote. Apologies if you're foreign or something. If you're just someone who didn't take the time to read what you wrote then...well...shame on you. :P

I think you mean you're not "Releasing" your work publicly. Which would be the edited tanks and the map, I'm assuming.

If you do make edited tanks, or a map, or anything at all, I would be more than happy to take them and make a server with it, with your permission and credit given to you, of course.

Motder? Do you mean Modern? Or Mod-Terrain?
Also, just because I posted a similar suggestion doesn't mean you needed to reveal some kind of "secret build" :P
Edited tanks to have more sound effects does indeed sound quite cool.
I really can't read half of what you wrote. Apologies if you're foreign or something. If you're just someone who didn't take the time to read what you wrote then...well...shame on you. :P

I think you mean you're not "Releasing" your work publicly. Which would be the edited tanks and the map, I'm assuming.

If you do make edited tanks, or a map, or anything at all, I would be more than happy to take them and make a server with it, with your permission and credit given to you, of course.

Modter = Modular Terrain.  Its the large bricks people have been using to build maps since V21's release.

I just need help on how to edit the script by so adding sounds to the vehicle like engine noises and sputtering. I am planning on making SPG's only problem they will be controlled by one person and will random fire all over the city tanks will be alerted about the fire and it will take 10-20 seconds for the shells to impact.