Author Topic: To all skilled scripters, modellers, builders, eventers, etc...  (Read 5354 times)

Look at what you do when you see a flaw, but from someone else's eyes. If the next paragraph does not fit what that person sees, this post isn't addressed to you.

    "So SkilledMcSkillface joined my server, and insulted my work because of some easily overlooked flaws that someone new to that field wouldn't know about or realize was a problem. Then, he pushed some way to 'fix' the problem which actually just made it worse, and when I tried to explain this to him he got all condescending and told me I was 'doing it wrong'. Man, that guy's a richard."

    Yes, perhaps you are better at something than others you know. Maybe you're even among the best you know. But that doesn't give you any right to act like a richard to others just because they are doing something wrong, especially since you yourself made or could have made that mistake at some point. You don't have any right to be a condescending prick to others just because they make mistakes that someone at their skill level is at. Imagine pointing and laughing at someone in kindergarten because they're still learning the alphabet.
    Does that seem right to you? If the answer is yes, you need to see a psychiatrist. That's basically what you're doing when you call people trying to learn a field morons because they made a mistake. Now imagine laughing at the kids in kindergarten, then showing them how to write an R properly. And as you walk away... you realize you just wrote an Я. You can't really make a more fundamental mistake, and you with all your experience in writing letters just made it.

    Basically, my point is this. Having that not everyone does doesn't make you a god. You're still a human being and should treat others with the same level of respect that you would wish to be treated with. If you want a good idea of what it's like to be a bottom-of-the-chain scripter/modeller/builder/eventer trying to learn how to get better in this community, take an hour out of your day and imagine a world where everyone punches you in the face when you walk by, and if you try to punch them back they shoot you with an RPG. That's roughly what it feels like.

And at the very least, have the humility to not continue trying to act high and mighty after you realize you wrote an Я instead of an R.

I can tell that SkilledMcSkillface is a stufflord just from his name.

Having a skill that not everyone does doesn't make you a god.

Now imagine that post being a several paragraph-long essay about someone making a typographical mistake. That's basically the point of this drama in a nutshell.

I'm curious where this topic stems from.

the fact that an easily-overlooked flaw is easily overlooked doesnt make it any less of a flaw

suggesting a solution to a perceived issue is perfectly fine and it sounds like you're either being overly sensitive to criticism (which seems like it'd be plausible considering you have made a drama topic about this) or the person in question said nothing but that there was a flaw and pestering the server

your stuff is not above critique, and nobody's is. the fact that someone has more skill or experience in a field doesnt necessarily mean that their solutions or understandings of a topic are correct all the time but it is a pretty good pedigree as to them getting it right substantially more often

like if you were to choose between some guy off the street and a professional plumber to fix your pipes and money wasn't an issue you'd always pick the plumber, because even if the plumber ends up breaking something there's way less of a chance then some random unskilled idiot

incidentally why the forget are you putting paragraph gaps in your drama topic

incidentally incidentally was the stem of this topic pandan

im not stuffting on pandan or anything like that is a serious question. did pandan cause this conflict to happen

your stuff is not above critique, and nobody's is.
that isn't xalos' problem here though; he isn't complaining about the critique, he's complaining about the dude that gave it.

like if you were to choose between some guy off the street and a professional plumber to fix your pipes and money wasn't an issue you'd always pick the plumber, because even if the plumber ends up breaking something there's way less of a chance then some random unskilled idiot
yeah this brown townogy is fine but what's to say that SkilledMcSkillface was the plumber? it sounds like he gave criticism, and then for some reason had such a problem with xalos' work that he then had to show the correct way to do it; and miserably failed, proving to xalos that he was just a dude off the street pretending to be a plumber.

what the hell this is as confusing as hell

someone summarize it

is it an issue with skilled ..... being condescending or..?

Having a skill that not everyone does doesn't make you a god.

basically he's saying that being a scripter, modeller, builder, eventer, etc does not make you better than everyone else
and thus
does not mean you're always right
i think

tbh i feel like he's trying to help, at least

almost every single guy i've met that hates hk doesn't even bother explaining why, they're just "lol it sucks richard" "its the worse pack ive ever tested".

what the hell this is as confusing as hell

someone summarize it

is it an issue with skilled ..... being condescending or..?
He's basically saying that if you have a skill someone else doesn't and you get all condescending because they don't know everything you do, then you're an idiot.

He's basically saying that if you have a skill someone else doesn't and you get all condescending because they don't know everything you do, then you're an idiot.

its funny 'cause Xalos used to do it to me. not anymore though.

Ohhhh, I get the point. Basically, don't try to take advantage or be a prick to people who don't know what you know, for example scripting. I fully support this topic.

You've completely missed the point of the topic. Frankly, I've seen your attitude to other builders or server hosts and you have tried to give them a lot of criticism like you own the server.

NOEDIT:You've completely missed the point of the topic. Frankly, I've seen your attitude to other builders or server hosts and you have tried to give them a lot of criticism like you own the server.

i think he got this topic spot on. he's saying that yes, people who are better at something than someone else will make less mistakes and point out others mistakes.

he never said one word about them being a richardass though. OP, any reason you singled these kinds of people out besides they being the most richardassery? from what i know, people could claim you could be one of these richardasses too?

i think he got this topic spot on. he's saying that yes, people who are better at something than someone else will make less mistakes and point out others mistakes.

he never said one word about them being a richardass though. OP, any reason you singled these kinds of people out besides they being the most richardassery? from what i know, people could claim you could be one of these richardasses too?
but the main point of the topic is that you're not more powerful over those people who don't exactly know what you know.