Author Topic: 2013/12/01 - Blockland r1908  (Read 62332 times)

Im interested in what the steam features will do on blockland :o

At this point, break everything ;)

virtual Script clientCmdGetAchievement() {}
virtual Script steamOnLobbyEnter() {}
virtual string getCDNURL() {}
virtual string numericWhiteListFilter() {} //*! filters a string to only contain 0-9 and . */
virtual bool SteamUnlock() {}
virtual void setMyBLID() {}
virtual bool SteamAPI_Init() {}
virtual bool SteamEnabled() {}
virtual void SteamAPI_Shutdown() {}
virtual void getAchievement() {}
virtual void steamGetAchievement(string) {}
virtual void steamClearAchievement() {}
virtual void SteamCreateLobby() {}
virtual void SteamJoinLobby(int64 lobbyid) {}
virtual void SteamLeaveLobby() {}
virtual bool SteamSetLobbyIP(ip address) {}
virtual bool SteamSetLobbyPort(port) {}
virtual string SteamGetLobbyIP() {}
virtual string SteamGetLobbyPort() {}
virtual string SteamGetLobbyID() {}
virtual string SteamGetAuthSessionTicket() {}
virtual string getSteamId() {}
virtual void SteamOpenStore() {}

A cool steam feature would be downloading and uploading saves to the Workshop :D

I see the steam_api.dll ;) This is very good.

At this point, break everything ;)



Is it possible to improve the vehicle physics before it gets on Steam? A review of Blockland i watched brought up the wonky vehicle physics, and it is a bothersome issue

If it's a possibility, the vehicle physics should definitely be improved before it starts leaving a bad taste in people's mouths

Which review was it?

Of course they won't work yet since Blockland is not yet released on steam.

Ran into this thread on accident. Thought it was the other thread. Lol.

Nice to see you're working on this. :)

Do you think we'll be released before Christmas?

Yeees FOV slider!
Thanks Badspot


  • Administrator
At this point, break everything ;)

You're running the new scripts with an old executable.  I assume you're doing this on purpose?

It goes up to 120.

forget yeah.

for some reason, my steam overlay took pictures when I pressed the escape key, and I don't even have a key bound for screenshots (You can run blockland.exe from steam,)

rtb also only works while you're on a server, and breaks if you are removed from the server and you still have it open

I also added an FOV slider in the advanced options.

blockland's default is 90 which is a sufficient amount so it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place