Author Topic: Ad "ß"ot  (Read 10618 times)

at first i was sketched out but he's making pretty great puns i can't argue against that...

Aw, I think he might be your brother!
You need to shut the forget up, like really. All you do is nag on users and bitch about stuff that doesn't even relate to you.

I banned him. It's this guys 2nd attempt at a novelty account.

What rule is it breaking, exactly?
no one seemed to notice this

no one seemed to notice this
he's basically stuffposting but in a very clever manner

I banned him. It's this guys 2nd attempt at a novelty account.
what was the first?

I banned him. It's this guys 2nd attempt at a novelty account.
Aw, he was fun
What was his other account?

best troll spam ever.

i encourage

probably electrk, he takes parts in these forum jokes.

like these.

I think he did one more not sure.

though general discussion and roblox forum are not me

Rip Adßot
He lived and died a image spammer