Author Topic: Just Cause 2 — Multiplayer Mod Released on Steam!  (Read 1721 times)

Just Cause 2 is a sandbox game in which you are an American agent named Rico Rodriguez on the island of Panau. You have been sent there after a rogue agent.
The storyline doesn't really matter at all because all you're going to be doing is wreaking havoc.


This game is basically a playable action movie.

It is a massive sandbox game where the main objective is to cause as much chaos as possible. This involves hijacking vehicles, killing people, and blowing stuff up. Causing chaos helps unlock missions which helps you progress. There is no "finishing" the game as you can play it forever. You can, however, strive for 100% completion—which is achieved by destroying various locations on the island. Unfortunately, you cannot get 100% completion without a mod because of a bug that the developers never fixed for some reason. Vehicles have a tendency to blow up after Rico ejects from them.

A major part of the game is the grappling hook—a tool that lets you grapple onto any surface and hijack vehicles. The grappling hook can be used with the parachute to provide a unique and pretty efficient way of traveling (though stealing a military jet and crashing it into a village is much more fun). You can also attach two objects together with the grappling hook but it's pretty weak so it will probably snap if you use it on moving vehicles.

Another major part of the game is Rico's amazing ability to break the laws of physics (e.g. grappling to the ground while falling breaks his fall) and have infinite parachutes. He has near-perfect balance so he can stand on moving cars and aircraft easily. He also seems to be extremely resistant against bullets and therefore must be some sort of superhero or demigod.


There is a multiplayer mod that is now on Steam.
It is currently on version 0.1.0.



Multiplayer mod released on Steam.


The final beta test is happening right now! The mod's projected release date is the 16th!


Multiplayer mod is being integrated with Steam and is close to release. The final beta test will occur on the 14th. Get your Steam key here!

More Info

For more information, please visit the website or wiki.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 04:10:27 PM by Electrk² »

Just in time.
BeCAUSE I just got Just Cause 2
bad pun i'm sorry but i did get just cause 2
Also is this the only time you can get the Steam Keys for it?

JC2 would probably run at around 10 FPS if I played

i have this but my ass laptop can barley run it
i even have all the dlcs :(

Final beta test is going on right now! It ends on the 14th.
Projected release date is the 16th.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 03:39:07 PM by Electrk² »

damn you beat me to making a topic

The beta test is going to continue until it's released! :)

The beta test is going to continue until it's released! :)
What do you think will be different when they release it?

Bump because it will be out in one hour! :D