Author Topic: Mr. Wallet's Rise of Blockland  (Read 6633 times)

This is one of the few gamemodes that requires little administration and a gamemode I find entertaining.

RP is entertaining with the right hosts (Zombies in the Bluzone), but it requires strict administration.
TDM requires minimal administration, but it isn't really entertaining for me and I get bored after a while.

Almost any other gamemodes make me bored since they (mostly) involve grinding. This gamemode is grindy but it has lots of variance, which entertains me.

I remember the FroGas shop, and it was a very successful one due to the business techniques I employed.

Greetings, Slezak here. I was the owner of SleTech, the friendly conglomerate which provided all your Design or Technology needs, depending on which resource I felt like producing that round.

Basic description for those who have never played:
Rise of Blockland, abbreviated to RoB, is basically a resource-based economy simulator. You start with enough money to buy a small plot of land and build a baseplate and some production bricks. Over time, your production bricks make resources. You choose which resource you wish to produce and different actions require different resources.
 - Food: Required to build anything. Food is not refunded when bricks are deleted.
 - Materials: Required to build anything. Materials are refunded when bricks are deleted and the cost depends on the volume of the brick.
 - Gas: Powers your handy-dandy jet boots.
 - Technology: Required for events and FX paints. The event system is very limited to keep disruptions to a minimum. In fact, the only options are playSound, disappear, and bottomPrint.
 - Engineering: Required to build specially-shaped bricks, such as ramps, rounds, trees, fences, etc.
 - Design: Required if you want to build tall structures. Every 10 bricks of height increases the design requirement by 1 per brick. Design does not depend on brick volume, just height.

The main goals of the game are to wait for enough resources to open your store, sell them competitively, and take advantage of other stores to build an awesome structure to attract customers. Increasing your property value enough will give you perks such as more fruitful production and the ability to buy more properties.
Since resources take time to produce, the game can start out pretty slow, but ramps up as more people join. Of course, people can hoard their resources, but will not earn money fast enough to stay competitive. Also, "alliances" can form where several competing stores will agree to sell at the same price. To keep it fair, unsolicited advertising is not allowed in chat. Instead, people resort to building giant signs drawing peoples' attention to their (usually poorly-built) store.
One feature that used to be a part of RoB was property ratings. You were encouraged to rate properties every so often to claim "lot potential" which raised over time. Claiming this potential would result in an instant cash payment. Ratings ranged from 1-5 stars and you were encouraged to be fair with your ratings. Rating too extremely to one side would actually disable both extreme options for awhile, so you had to choose your "poor" and "epic" ratings carefully. If your build was rated highly, you'd get a slight production bonus. The reverse was true for the poor rating.
As restricting as this all sounds, it's surprisingly enticing, waiting for that perfect time to open your store for just $2 less than your competitor across the street. If anything, the restrictions actually catalyze creativity, rather than limiting it as one would suppose.
End explanation for new players.

I would absolutely love to see this come back. If I could think of some additional features I'd like to see, I would. However, it is too late at night for me to try to come up with anything, so I'll just leave it for now.

With that in mind, what would be interesting is if there were to be a stock market.

Heyo. I may not been the most successful on the server but I can assure you I was dedicated to it.

Your server was so interesting and intriguing that it made both of my brothers come together and work with me on the server. The lot space was separated into 64x64 and we took a 32x32 each (me taking two). This way we hogged a whole lot space for our corporate with multiple resources available. However, the downside with this was that you could not connect the lots to eachother, not even your own. You also could not build on someone else's lot (I think?). Maybe find a way to make that possible.

  • What features did you find most engaging/fun?

To successfully sell your resources. There was always someone buying. And to build your own empire. Entering a gui through brick-clicking was nice.

  • What features did you find most boring/frustrating?

I think the mod was very well put together. But well I guess waiting. But it wasn't a nuisance.

  • What experiences gave you good feelings while on the server? Feel free to speak generally or tell specific stories as it suits you.

To sell and buy. To search for the best prize available.

  • What experiences gave you bad feelings while on the server?

To not being able to build. Had to wait to continue.

  • What did you always wish had been a part of RoB, but never got to see as a reality?

Even though I liked the simplicity I thought the layout of the place could've been like..more. More variety and more space. Very often your field of view was clogged up by these huge buildings in narrow paths.

  • What would you most hope to see if RoB were brought back?

You. d'awww

I can't really come up with any new features. I just want the server back, in whatever shape.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 10:52:05 AM by Sleven »

I've never played this before but
God damnit now I remember why I left this loving community
I have bad news for you man, you're gonna leave every community you ever join
I'm gonna change everything so it's like a petting zoo simulator or something and everyone will get mad because nobody told me what they liked so I didn't know what was not ok to throw away
jesus christ you're a rooster, where is this even coming from? calm down

I'll throw in my 2 cents. I'm actually the one who nominated your server in that poll in the first place :P

•What features did you find most engaging/fun?
The simplicity. There wasn't like 20 stats or crazy hoops to jump through. It was quick to understand, it just took time to actually get started. To really succeed though required dedication and careful planning.
The physicality of clicking bricks to open GUI versus say typing in a chat command.
Finding the lowest prices. It was like a secret knowing that Shop Alpha has 5$ food but the store brick was hidden in the back corner under some stuff.

•What features did you find most boring/frustrating?
All the waiting. Hours of just jumping around the server bored with nothing to do (I had so much free time back then... *sigh*) but that was just part of the game. It was like a love hate relationship. It made it more rewarding to in the end, it just too forever to get started though.
When there was a lack of people on it was really boring as interacting with others was really the only thing to do while waiting around.

•What experiences gave you good feelings while on the server? Feel free to speak generally or tell specific stories as it suits you.
Coming back and seeing something in my bricks (the achievement of actually succeeding in selling things). All the cool architecture/builds that had been carefully built. There seemed to be a really nice amount of high quality builds whenever I played.
Getting my sister into the game, although she left a week or so after because it was just too slow for her.

•What experiences gave you bad feelings while on the server?
Anything that was glitchy. It's all those little things that annoy you over like a month that really peev me.
I was playing on DrenDran's knock off of RoB (I've played the original, this is just one experience on this server) and had a great time with my buddy making a huge monopoly of one of the resources (selling it at super high prices) but then we literally sucked the money out of everyone else on the server. We had materials at 35-45$ while everything else sat around 5$. It was boring building stuff watching everyone else struggle though as we couldn't continue until they got more money (which only happened when we bought their stuff and we just continued spending ours on bricks).

•What did you always wish had been a part of RoB, but never got to see as a reality?
Stock market/stock board/whatever with print bricks. It'd be amazing to be able to track all the businesses stats in one central location almost like a leader board.
I was looking forward to more of those bricks, the shop brick, storage brick, etc. I don't know why, but each one was unique and it was always reqarding getting to plant one of them. It would also be cool if they had had more physical indicators (like a little model that multiplies on the top when you have more resources stored in it or something).
The only other thing I can think of is more commercialization. More ways to make money. On DrenDran's thing, I tried setting up a teleportation hub (using teledoors) for transportation but I couldn't event it such that people would have to pay to use it). Not necessarily providing goods for money but also a service?

•What would you most hope to see if RoB were brought back?
Everything there was previously in RoB is all I'd really like to see.
Maybe a bit more end game content. You can only expand up to a point where you're pretty stable and there isn't much to do. A lot of people left at that point and it would just become empty in the server save.

•And anything else you'd like to say.
Thanks. That is all.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 07:32:22 AM by DYLANzzz »

Why not make it so people can earn/make resources rather than just wait for them to appear.

Why not make it so people can earn/make resources rather than just wait for them to appear.

plz no i don't want to grind for resources. one of the reasons i liked RoB was because i could talk to other ppl on the server or do other stuff while i waited for resources.

i don't think there was really anything i didn't like with the latest RoB server you put up (with the rating thing), which is why it's my fav server. what I would like to see though would be maybe some collaboration building component (if it's possible without screwing the gameplay) and stock market thing.

PS: the property rating idea was basically the solution to the only problem i had with RoB before
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 03:51:01 PM by MrCookie »

plz no i don't want to grind for resources. one of the reasons i liked RoB was because i could talk to other ppl on the server or do other stuff while i waited for resources.
Yeah this.
Plus, if you have to actively grind for the resources, then each person will probably only have one type of production, and the server will be harder to join.

The way it was before, where resources were generated on their own, was good because you can just build it and worry about your next project, or even leave the server to make room for others and come back when you feel like you've produced enough. Requiring active grinding does give you more to do on the server, but that's not exactly making it more fun.

Thanks for the real responses everyone, I am taking notes. I'll shoot back a few tidbits for funsies:

Re: slezak's description: First, what he specifically remembers and chooses to talk about is actually kind of informative for me as far as why I started this thread.
Some clarification:
To keep it fair, unsolicited advertising is not allowed in chat.
This was actually to stop people from just sitting in the server taking up a slot and spamming chat all day while other people wanted to connect or have a decent conversation. Without this rule people would make a chat script that just says an add every 2 minutes and go afk and annoy everyone else.
resources and ratings
Absolutely everything is subject to change, and resources would probably not be the same (though they will look extremely similar). Ratings weren't really a proper feature until RoB 2, and would probably receive yet another complete overhaul of some sort in any new version. I was really in love with the idea that you could make a 5-star rating system that would force people to have pretty fair ratings and not only vote 1 or 5, and I succeeded, but I realize now I should just accept that most people think less in terms of "1/2/3/4/5" and more in terms of "dislike/no-vote/no-vote/like/favorite", and accommodate them since they're the players and I'm just the developer.

DYLAN on teledoors
We actually tried teleporters before jet fuel, and it wasn't satisfying, even with the added novelty of teledoors not even existing yet. There are other reasons, but yeah.

Everybody suggesting stocks
Can you guys clarify a little more the kind of gameplay experience you would hope to get out of this? I can't quite see whatever fun you guys are seeing.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 05:03:18 PM by Mr. Wallet »

I think they/we want something in the lines of a stock market that's separate from what the players do. Somewhere to sell and buy resources instead of having to create a large production facility; ie another method of gaining cash.

Ideally I think the stocks would run themselves, with random numbers/brown noise used to dictate a baseline stock price assuming no activity, the rest being affected by the buyup and sell rates of the players.

And from what this sounds like, this is just as good, if not better, than the farming simulator DrenDran set up a while ago. That was very competitive and fun.

I got a tingly feeling in my nuts when I saw this topic... rise of blockland is still one of the best servers I've ever played, I really hope you bring it back

If you played Rise of Blockland:
What features did you find most engaging/fun?
     buying all of one resource then selling it back at ridiculous prices, I also agree with MrC in that automatically creating resources is soooo much nicer than grinding (although I'll grind on you for a couple bucks)

What features did you find most boring/frustrating?
     people belligerently setting their prices $1 below yours, even if it means losing money- a problem with players, not the mod. lack of an end goal, or something to strive for, was also an issue. I can't think of any other use for money, I just felt that I was making money so I could make more money, an endless cycle

What experiences gave you good feelings while on the server? Feel free to speak generally or tell specific stories as it suits you.
     I liked the costly nature of building, it made people build efficiently and carefully. I also had a lot of fun using my alts to gain an unfair advantage through the rating system and making super cheap production cites to fuel my main business... you might want to look into preventing this, it was super unfair

What experiences gave you bad feelings while on the server?
     same as #2, and all the guys with awesome lot spots (at the center of town) who didn't play anymore. now that I think about it, I might remember some sort of foreclosure process, but it's been a while

What did you always wish had been a part of RoB, but never got to see as a reality?
     I really wanted more crime, maybe producing drugs or something of the like... just some sort of quick but risky route to riches

What would you most hope to see if RoB were brought back?
     I think that a deathmatch arena would be pretty cool, maybe setting bets on fights. There just isn't a lot to do why you're out of stock and waiting to produce some more

This server is singlehandedly the most addictive one I've ever played on blockland, I really hope you bring it back
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 08:27:52 PM by Monkeyboy »

Yeah it would be appreciated if you added some sort of minigame to the game, like a deathmatch, so the waiting doesn't get as apparent. Betting and stuff sounds frikn mint.

Idk, maybe this relates to BB's stock market game but, a way to invest money into other people's business and have shares and whatever would be cool. So the whole money pool gets more collaborative and not just a financial competition (sell buy sell buy sell buy).

I remember having a Design shop called "Encore Design" last time RoB was around. One thing I remember is how a few companies nearby mine sold their Design and a couple of other products for hideously low prices like $1 or $2.

I do hope it perseveres once more, I'd like very much for Encore Design to have another shot at being among live competitors. I shall check for an RoB server on a daily basis.

Best of luck, hope all goes well. Sincerly,


That's right, it was BigBrother that had a stock game. I played way too much of that. I don't know why it was fun, but I liked owning stock in my self after he made me, lol.

lack of an end goal, or something to strive for, was also an issue. I can't think of any other use for money, I just felt that I was making money so I could make more money, an endless cycle
This has always been an extreme problem with I think 100% of the RP modes in most games. It's hard to make something that drains your money sufficiently. I can't expect Wallet to be the first person in RP gamemode history to find a fix for this. If you do, good on ya though.