Pandan- Excessive Douchebaggery

Author Topic: Pandan- Excessive Douchebaggery  (Read 9361 times)

Well, I understand your point. I just want you to understand that I intended no such insults that you believe I have made. I apologize if it seems that way.
Understand, it's really no problem man. To be honest the main reason I actually even included that in the OP is because I figured if I didn't Pandan would come here saying I was being biased or something. 

Understood*, it's really no problem man. To be honest the main reason I actually even included that in the OP is because I figured if I didn't Pandan would come here saying I was being biased or something. 

I quite liked pandan. :(

I don't know what's with Pandy.

I would have understood it if this happened 2 years ago, that's when he was last banned right?
He's a grown up man now, his behaviour does not match his age. Sure he might have the right to call us kids but it's not like he isn't acting like one. He's very naughty and rude but he's also too sensitive (and a bit paranoid).

Boltster tracking him down? Really? Boltster is very rude and unsensitive but he that's the way he is. He's always been like this, that's why he's disliked by some people in the community.
Pandan is different, he's trying to be someone who he isn't, being rude and egostical, when in reality he's a nice guy.

Going into threads just to flame people for accomplishing their dream (not saying that it was Moonstar Akemi's dream) but the way I see it, it's just ridiculous, same goes for insulting people for them having no life or having e-girlfriends, I mean why do you care? It's HIS life not yours and it's just a different way of living, doesn't mean it's the wrong way.

my text might be disorganized but my ideas sure arent!!!

Probably because his life revolves around Blockland.

so much bawl
if you guys made a topic declaring pandan annoying and trollish, true or not, its a topic that stands for discussion and side taking.

but all around I see now that pandan is being deemed an starfish, douchebag and such. all that tells me is, you guys are angry and declaring yourselves as betas.
getting so worked up over someone else not being very nice, puts you on a lower level, like you are addmitting to losing a debate, so plan B is to ruin his reputation and gather a community to side with you. a simple task if you do enough name calling to buy over the bandwagoners.
I don't even see pandan trying to piss people off. I kinda like his matter-of-fact additude of late.

getting so worked up over someone else not being very nice
nobody is worked up except pandan

I find Pandan misunderstood, he has some anger problems that need to be fixed. I can recommend some good psychologists to him.

This post made me slightly dizzy until I read the last line
I was litterally ready for that post. I had my image gallery ready, wits on full steam, until I read that last line.

haha, good one

He did. Marble told me over Steam that Pandan removed Marble off of Skype after removing him. I think Pandan is taking my suggestion to take a break from the forums. I had let him know that somebody dox'd him and that he should probably go under the radar again because if he kept acting the way he was, it'd only be a matter of time before the person who did it would release his info (such as his address and all of that) and I didn't want that to happen to him.

Understand, it's really no problem man. To be honest the main reason I actually even included that in the OP is because I figured if I didn't Pandan would come here saying I was being biased or something. 

Yeah man, I completely understand now. I'm sorry if I acted rude in my first post. I was just a little surprised is all. :)