
Does the game seem interesting enough to be a forum game?

Yes, I want to play it!
Yes, but I think I will just watch.
No, I don't think Clue is good for a forum game.
No, the game seems pretty awful overall.

Author Topic: Forum Cluedo- Redux (Starting Game #2. 2 additional players are needed)  (Read 6883 times)

(includes awful prose by me)

The party at the Boddy Mansion seemed exquisite. The food was delicious, the conversation was interesting, and the wine aged well, but there was something off about Mr. Boddy, the host, that evening. He seemed rather paranoid, acting as if someone was waiting for him. He knew that there was something amiss, but he just could not admit it. After all, his 5 guests and maid all came from suspicious backgrounds and had good motives to hurt him...

Taking matters into her own hands, Mrs. Scarlet decided to investigate Mr. Boddy’s odd behaviours; however, she saw a ghastly sight on the cellar stairs: his bloody corpse! She ran to the Lounge to tell everyone of the tragedy, terrified.

“It would be unwise to call the cops,” began Professor Plum. “They would probably find out about… well, you know. We have to solve this mystery by ourselves.” He adjusted his glasses and procured a leatherbound notebook from one of his pockets, ready to take notes on the evidence soon to come. The 6 people then determined that there was no way to tell where and how he was killed and who could have done the dastardly deed. Or was there?


Clue is a classic board game in which 3 to 6 players must deduce where and how a man was killed, and who did it. To set up the game, a deck of cards is sorted into 3 piles: suspects, weapons, and locations, based on what they depict. One card is randomly selected from each pile, becoming part of the scenario that took place (e.g., Mrs. Scarlet, Candlestick, and Ballroom would mean that Mr. Boddy was killed with a candlestick inside of his ballroom).  The rest of the cards are distributed randomly amongst each player, becoming evidence as to what did not occur.

The game begins with Mrs. Scarlet rolling her dice. Her goal, and everyone else’s, would be to go to one of the 9 rooms (excluding the cellar, which cannot be entered) and make a suggestion as to what happened. Suggestions are the main part of Clue, as they allow players to deduce what happened.

The suggestion process is rather simple. When a player enters a room through one of the doors, they may pick a suspect and weapon to assume were part of Mr. Boddy’s death. The room they are in is also part of the suggestion, requiring players to strategically move from room to room. If the player who moves after has one or more of the cards used in the suggestion, they must discreetly (in our case, through private messaging) show one card to disprove the suggestion. If they do not, then the proceeding player must do the same. The process continues until either someone shows the suggester a card, or no one can disprove the suggestion. If this explanation is too convoluted, consider this scenario:

Mrs. Scarlet enters the lounge.

Mrs. Scarlet: Could it have been Mrs. Pearooster, in the lounge, using the rope?

Col. Mustard: Possibly.

Mrs. White: I can disprove that!

Mrs. White sends Mrs. Scarlet a private message, telling her that she has the lounge. She also has the rope, but she may only show one card.

It is now Col. Mustard’s turn. Mrs. Scarlet cannot suggest inside of the lounge until she suggests inside another room.

The suspects are limited to moving with only 2 die rolls. If they are in the lounge, conservatory, study, or kitchen, they may choose to give up one roll to take a secret passage to the opposite room. This is useful for many strategies, as you can travel quickly through the mansion or make suggestions without die rolls (you are still limited to one suggestion per turn, just as a reminder).

When anyone believes they figured out the murder or wishes to forfeit, they may make an accusation, which functions exactly like a suggestion, except that it is final, and the accusing may select which room to use. After someone accuses, I will PM them, telling them the actual events that occurred. If they are correct, they win the game. Else, they are eliminated, but still must present evidence when someone makes a suggestion (you may opt out of this and allow me to do this for you, but not while your suspect is active).


You may use any method to “roll”; however, if you consistently make up unfair rolls, I have the right to roll (but not move) for you. In Clue, the dice barely influence the game, so there is no need to cheat. When moving across the mansion, each square represents one space. You may only move horizontally and vertically.


The Suspects and the Players

  • Ms. Scarlet- A seductive femme fatale whose looks are as deadly as her personality. Currently played by nobody.
  • Col. Mustard- A dignified yet dangerous veteran. Currently played by CharlesSpeaking.
  • Mrs. White- A maid who is seemingly loyal to her master. Currently played by nobody.
  • Mr. Green- A dishonest businessman and blackmailer. Currently played by Zanaran2.
  • Mrs. Pearooster- A widow who, despite her old age, is a stylish socialite. Her husbands all seemed to die tragically. Currently played by Lugnut.
  • Professor Plum- An absent-minded professor who nearly lost his job after an incident involving plagiarism. Currently played by Kanew2000.

The Weapons

  • A candlestick.
  • A knife.
  • A lead pipe.
  • A revolver.
  • A rope.
  • A wrench.

The Locations

  • The ballroom.
  • The billiard room.
  • The conservatory.
  • The dining room.
  • The hall.
  • The kitchen.
  • The library.
  • The lounge.
  • The study.


(forgive the low quality)

If you would like to join, please say so! I am aiming for a full 6-player game, but if I do not get people quickly enough, a 3 person game will suffice, as will a 4 or 5. If you have any questions regarding this game, please ask me, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities.

I revived this because TL’s attempt did not do so well. Players were on during different times, which made it hard for the thread to live. Also, players quickly seemed to lose interest, which I hope does not happen.

Good luck, detectives, and have fun!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 05:49:25 PM by childofdarkness016 »

i shall be cool mustard and shall create order among all

i shall be cool mustard and shall create order among all

I'll give you cards, then.

Pardon the double post, but I have to go in about an hour. Most likely, the game will start on Sunday; however, I don't anticipate people joining until then, so I guess this post is kind of not needed?? Regardless, I will PM anyone who chooses to join their cards if I am on.

why aren't you guys joining :-(

it's okay i'm sure you're innocent :-)

I'll be Professor Plum. Man, I love this game.

who is hiding the dark secret guys ):(

I'm Mr. Green

I'll be Professor Plum. Man, I love this game.

Alright, putting you guys both down. I'll PM you your cards, too.

uh, I guess I'll be mrs. white
wait, mrs. white?

next one up eh?? eh?? next one up eh??

uh, I guess I'll be mrs. white
wait, mrs. white?

sure why not

also deoxys is stupid and resigned

Guys, when SirLancelot7 is on tomorrow, I want to start the game.