Author Topic: loving spoiled special needs kids  (Read 19116 times)

I think the USA is going to have a great increase of stupid people.
i like to think of height = IQ
because thats the only reason i can think of that explains why these freshman look like 2nd graders

"judge, I may have killed that man, but just think about it. Riddler killed millions. what I did was nothing"
That's a horrible brown townogy.
You can't compare murder to slightly mean-spirited text. I just said that he was being a richard, and I told him why. Some people just don't even say why, they just totally rage.

I wish special needs kids had their own classes instead of being put into normal ones
like this one kid named will is an EXTREME war addict, he goes around the class pretending like hes shooting guns and rockets and slicing zombies heads off
he just acts like a total handicap
whenever the teacher asked him to work he used to throw temper tantrums
then he starts rocking his chair back and forth with the intensity of a loving titan. I ask him to stop and hes like "NO!!!"
a few minutes later I just start tapping my fingers against the table from a habit and hes just "STOP BEING SO DISTRACTING"
oh also on the school bus he started crying like a little pusillanimous individual because his mom said that she won't give him his "daily present". I have a feeling that these sort of conditions come from how the parents raised the kid
I hate all special needs kids ive encountered so far
Oh my god this kid has an unhealthy addiction to CoD.

I wish special needs kids had their own classes instead of being put into normal ones
holy stuff so much this

I wish special needs kids had their own classes instead of being put into normal ones
like this one kid named will is an EXTREME war addict, he goes around the class pretending like hes shooting guns and rockets and slicing zombies heads off
he just acts like a total handicap
whenever the teacher asked him to work he used to throw temper tantrums
then he starts rocking his chair back and forth with the intensity of a loving titan. I ask him to stop and hes like "NO!!!"
a few minutes later I just start tapping my fingers against the table from a habit and hes just "STOP BEING SO DISTRACTING"
oh also on the school bus he started crying like a little pusillanimous individual because his mom said that she won't give him his "daily present". I have a feeling that these sort of conditions come from how the parents raised the kid
I hate all special needs kids ive encountered so far
What grade is he in?
Sounds like a squeaker to me.

What grade is he in?
half of my classes are filled with idiots, hoping next year will change

That's a horrible brown townogy.
You can't compare murder to slightly mean-spirited text.
I guess you dunno what an brown townogy is lol

What if you're all the handicaps and you just think the way handicaps act is handicapped. They're just on such a higher plane of existence than you that you can't comprehend it. It's like an episode of the twilight zone yo. Also I'm 100% positive most of these stories are made up.

That's a horrible brown townogy.
it's a great brown townogy

you thought that just because someone else did worse means you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't surpass that

holy stuff so much this
my old middle school had an entire wing dedicated to special needs kids ever since our grades got reformed

I wish special needs kids had their own classes instead of being put into normal ones
in PE we had special needs kids
every one of the participated except for this one girl with glasses and a mustache
she basically walked through the Self Deletes(consciously) and everyone started clapping for her.

because you're supposed to pity someone who's not trying

I guess you dunno what an brown townogy is lol
Your brown townogy is just so laughable.

Most of the problem lies on how the parents treat their kid that makes them so self-entitled.

it's a great brown townogy

you thought that just because someone else did worse means you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't surpass that

but it's not murder

it's calling someone a friend

there's a difference