Author Topic: In years to come, do you think there will be livable towns in Antarctica?  (Read 3930 times)

the problem is no one would fight ON antarctica

They have resources.  Technology is pretty far advanced.

there is no real reason to live in antarctica accept for hipster friends trying to be hip and edgy.
we can move all the hipsters over there!

I would move to Antarctica just for the experience for a few months. It'd be interesting.

the problem is no one would fight ON antarctica

What about penguins?  

What resources would there be? I think there would only be small amounts of seaweed, seal, penguins, and krill, and polar bears.

Hey, penguins can fight in the fields too!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 08:26:18 PM by Caribou »

No. We should at least keep some part of our planet out of our grubby hands.

There's oil. A LOT of oil. The Russians discovered a huge oil deposit there. So... it's only a matter of time before we drill the loving place dry.

There's oil. A LOT of oil. The Russians discovered a huge oil deposit there. So... it's only a matter of time before we drill the loving place dry.

We have to use protection first in order to do that though.

What about penguins?  

Like roosterfighting.  The owners of the birds would just sit back and yell while they circle each other.  When one of them is killed, the owner gets to keep Antarctica.

They should build a big jail there so we don't have to deal with them here

They should build a big jail there so we don't have to deal with them here

They should build a big jail there so we don't have to deal with them here
Genius: throw all of the world's convicts to antartica to fend for themselves

Genius: throw all of the world's convicts to antartica to fend for themselves
Maroon them, yes, sounds good. Give em coats and fishing poles

They should build a big jail there so we don't have to deal with them here
moron alert