Author Topic: i fell on the ice  (Read 2532 times)

i once sat on a glass piggy bank when i was like 4-ish

i still have a SLIGHT scar on my butt

i once sat on a glass piggy bank when i was like 4-ish

i still have a SLIGHT scar on my butt
why would you do that

what do you mean " to get water "
i had some water in the car so i went and got it

What were you doing in shorts and a shirt? Jesus.
Anything under 25C is full body winter clothes.
This is what Australians actually believe.

Try lemon juice, that might help

What were you doing in shorts and a shirt? Jesus.
Anything under 25C is full body winter clothes.
25C winter?

that's room temperature

-30C is winter

25C winter?

that's room temperature

-30C is winter
This. Silly people from southern countries. I'm regularly going outside in just a t-shirt when it's -5C. outside. Can't be assed to put on a sweater or jacket.

OT (since this topic apparently is about injuries now): I once fell at high speed while skating. My left skate cut through my right leg like a hot knife through butter and didn't stop until it reached the bone. It chopped away a big chunk of my flesh and I could see straight to the bone. It didn't hurt very much though. The doctors said I was really lucky that I didn't cut any large muscles or nerves, and I could walk properly again after just 2 months. But the resulting scar is basically just dead tissue. I can't feel anything when touching it, so I guess I cut a couple of nerves after all. So yeah...

I can't feel anything when touching it, so I guess I cut a couple of nerves after all. So yeah...
have you tried taking a knife to it

have you tried taking a knife to it
No. I'm not sure why I would want to do that. But I've been kicked there and all I feel is a numb sensation that seems to come from inside the bone or something. Idk how to explain it, but it isn't normal.

why would you do that
no idea lol i was like 4 years old or something

put salt and pepper on the cut
and squeeze a cut lemon or an orange over the cut.

Sounds like it hurt

i stepped on a red hot marshmallow roaster

i also smacked my face in a glass door

i smashed my chin in a cone for god's sake

i also cut my finger open with a can of soup

lets just say the soup was a little more metallic

lets just say the soup was a little more metallic
if anyone does not get this, metacarpals are your fingers

one time

the army bombed my buddy Keith