Author Topic: The Circle  (Read 1692 times)

Has anyone got the new social app, The Circle?
It looks nice with ios 7, but its so not useful.


« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 09:18:56 AM by Renderman »

oh god
(sorry i prefer Android)
And here we go again...

Still have no idea how to use this

I don't follow new and hip social networks for plenty of reasons thanks
what is it anyways

I don't follow new and hip social networks for plenty of reasons thanks
then why post?

is the circle just basically like an interactive newspaper? im reading the description and it looks like it.

because I want to know what it is
lol nice ninja edit, friend.

lol nice ninja edit, friend.
I edited it two seconds after the post thank you very much
idk how you quoted it so fast though

I edited it two seconds after the post thank you very much
idk how you quoted it so fast though
i quoted you, and responded to you 1 minute and 9 seconds after you posted.
you just wanted to not seem dismissive so you edited it. quit trying to cover up your tracks.

get on topic anyway.
to anyone whos too lazy to look it up
the site looks amazing

yeah its all fancy and stuff, but I am getting people's messages (equivalent to Facebook status's or tweet's) from people I don't know and who live 50 miles from me. WHY DID I EVEN DOWNLOAD THIS D: