Author Topic: I think I got a girl pregnant  (Read 26897 times)

I don't think that's ad hominem

also ad hominem or not, kearn, you should practice what you preach :n

hey how about screw you

im pretty sure you have a listening problem, could be all that underage drinking getting to your brain
well then what were you saying you ambiguous moron
are you trying to be dumb or does your brain naturally not work
well you're an idiot because i never said that it makes you immune, it prevents you from getting it

kearn is a republican too! coincidence? i think not!

no i am saying there are posts that consist of nothing BUT an ad hominem. e:

i didn't "lose" anything. you guys stopped debating and you still refuse to make an actual argument. you are still calling me stupid/handicapped/[insert negative noun/adjective here]
Maybe you can consider the fact that people are making these statements because you've remained ignorant and one-sided towards any points that could make you reconsider your stance, beliefs, and argument throughout every post.

It's their last resort because you're really not worth debating with, and that's what they're trying to tell you.

I have to wonder why kearn sticks around when nearly the entire forum thinks he's a forgetwut

kearn is a republican too! coincidence? i think not!
Really? Are you going to be THAT person?

Also your avatar made me think you're antiblock before I saw that it was the shadow of a person and not BatCamel

Really? Are you going to be THAT person?

Also your avatar made me think you're antiblock before I saw that it was the shadow of a person and not BatCamel
most people polarizing to a political ideal tend to promote the same kind of stereotypical nonsense, so I'd say kearn's just as much "that guy" as frankie.

even then, though, kearn's always made arguments attacking people based on his personal bias, so the political argument wouldn't even be necessary.

most people polarizing to a political ideal tend to promote the same kind of stereotypical nonsense, so I'd say kearn's just as much "that guy" as frankie.
I guess I tend to quickly forget I'm on an internet forum.

The fact you're resulting to how people are "arguing" says a lot.


I laughed

no substance

Kearn is a bad noodle :(

no substance

Ouch, ironic counters.


Because you lost the argument over 4+ people and they're insulting you for how stupid you are at trying to prove something or other because you insulted them, and then you go and tell them how stupid they are for insulting the insultee. Or something. It's just wrong and you're a loving ignoramus.

claiming i lost an argument you had no part in. more than half of this post is one unintelligible runon sentence. you then tack on an insult. gold star.

The fact you're resulting to how people are "arguing" says a lot.

almost made it. ALMOST.

also ad hominem or not, kearn, you should practice what you preach :n

the posts i am referring to exist solely to call me dumb. i am condescending to people who are condescending to me. i do not start off arguments calling people names or telling them how their argument is dumb unless they make a completely baseless attack on someone or something that has done nothing wrong. this post is my debut into the minimum wage argument. i did not insult anyone or anyone's position in that post because nobody was insulting me or my position. i am rude to people who are rude. i am not rude to people who are not rude. this is fair and simple.

the first post was an aggressive response to an aggressive post from shadowsfear (who is still not actually making any points aside from that i am indeed dumb) who told someone that their position is not valid because they are religious. this is an absurd argument and was rewarded with an aggressive one-line response.

the second post was a sarcastic response to clone who had previously been condescending and sarcastic in a previous post. this may have been overbearing.

the third post was an exasperated response to muslim who after three posts would not explain what he was talking about.

the fourth post was yet another aggressive response to shadowsfear who again did not post anything of substance but posted solely for the purpose of saying my argument was dumb.

the fifth post was an aggressive response to acerblock who called me stupid/a troll/[insert negative noun/adjective here]

he has done this kind of thing before. as soon as he runs out of immediate responses he waits until someone else agrees with him and then proceeds to say "SO MUCH THIS KEARN YOU ARE XXXXX". this is why it is frustrating to try to have a discussion with him. his first post was fine. i responded to his and other's posts in kind. he then insulted me. i responded in kind.

kearn is a republican too! coincidence? i think not!

gold star

Maybe you can consider the fact that people are making these statements because you've remained ignorant and one-sided towards any points

so because i am arguing a concept that easily functions logically and don't agree with your moral system i am ignorant and one-sided?

It's their last resort because you're really not worth debating with, and that's what they're trying to tell you.

yes. their last resort is resorting to calling me names. i noticed.

I have to wonder why kearn sticks around when nearly the entire forum thinks he's a forgetwut

because everyone believing the exact same thing is a dumb idea. nothing will ever change. everyone benefits from discussion. nearly the entirity of the western world was told the world was flat. it was not.

Kearn is officially trying way too hard

Okay, you've made a point. Like it even matters anymore? The subject of the topic has been derailed for a while now so I still have no idea why you continue to act as though you're the all high and mighty one just because we continue to call you out on the way you've acted in this topic.

Oh and I can say you're an idiot for spamming "gold star" for the past 10 pages, I don't need a valid argument for that.

nearly the entirity of the western world was told the world was flat. it was not.
that's a bad example

also, you are in fact rude to people even if they haven't been rude to you
how shallow is your thought process?

so because i am arguing a concept that easily functions logically and don't agree with your moral system i am ignorant and one-sided?
I'd say your system of argument doesn't function logically and is very broken. You either ignored very logical points or just dismissed it with a "gold star".
If it wasn't you wouldn't be in this situation with everyone against you, lol. Or is everyone else's system broken and you're worthy of being equipped with a fedora?