Author Topic: I think I got a girl pregnant  (Read 26898 times)

that's a bad example


hardly misplaced

still not useful as an argument

spamming "gold star" for the past 10 pages, I don't need a valid argument for that.

maybe you should stop insulting me. i still haven't insulted you yet. other than "gold star" i have literally not said anything to you before this post except "do you even listen to yourself".

I'd say your system of argument doesn't function logically and is very broken. You either ignored very logical points or just dismissed it with a "gold star".

no. i dismissed blatant insults. i responded to coherent points in this thread. it devolved into how i am dumb. here we are.

If it wasn't you wouldn't be in this situation with everyone against you

or maybe people don't have the same values as i do?

Or is everyone else's system broken and you're worthy of being equipped with a fedora?

that fedora gimmick is getting really old

I'm not arguing

I was making an observation

fair enough. you actually explained your post. congratulations. i like you.

icygamma's successor

and now i don't. dumb post.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 03:46:51 PM by Kearn »

still not useful as an argument
I'm not arguing

I was making an observation

Who is Kearn and why is he crying again? I showed up late.

maybe you should stop insulting me. i still haven't insulted you yet. other than "gold star" i have literally not said anything to you before this post except "do you even listen to yourself".
Like I said before
Okay, you've made a point. Like it even matters anymore? The subject of the topic has been derailed for a while now so I still have no idea why you continue to act as though you're the all high and mighty one just because we continue to call you out on the way you've acted in this topic.

Oh and I can say you're an idiot for spamming "gold star" for the past 10 pages, I don't need a valid argument for that.
You don't need to insult me for me to be able to insult you for something to be insulted over for.

Perhaps you need to listen to yourself to actually understand what I'm saying.

Who is Kearn and why is he crying again? I showed up late.
icygamma's successor

Who is Kearn and why is he crying again? I showed up late.

From what I got of it, he started an argument stating that if everyone abstained before marriage, stds would be eliminated completely. It wasn't really nice to push your ideals on people and criticize them for not following them, so people disagreed with him and it only got worse from there. After a bit, he started to act self-righteous, doubting the credibility of the opposing argument on grounds of ad hominem.

After he was confronted with quotes of him doing exactly what he was condemning, he tried to justify it by basically saying eye for an eye.

kearn keeps dragging this on like an idiot



you're not gonna affect anyone, either by insults or trying to convince them.

From what I got of it, he started an argument stating that if everyone abstained before marriage, stds would be eliminated completely. It wasn't really nice to push your ideals on people and criticize them for not following them, so people disagreed with him and it only got worse from there. After a bit, he started to act self-righteous, doubting the credibility of the opposing argument on grounds of ad hominem.

After he was confronted with quotes of him doing exactly what he was condemning, he tried to justify it by basically saying eye for an eye.
So throw him overboard.

or maybe people don't have the same values as i do?
If your values are uneducated and baseless beliefs while being unwilling to do research and listen as shown in your previous posts, I really have no way to counter this.
Your loss.

it has literally been you vs. the rest of the thread for 5 pages and you're STILL using all-caps responses because you're inCIAting your point is correct

just stahp

claiming i lost an argument you had no part in. more than half of this post is one unintelligible runon sentence. you then tack on an insult. gold star.

Pretty sure the ones looking in can tell who won or not. Pretty sure being in the argument has a cause for bias, which is why you're so loving stingy.

Pretty sure the ones looking in can tell who won or not. Pretty sure being in the argument has a cause for bias, which is why you're so loving stingy.
Observers are the best judges.

no, I'm just correcting you

no, I'm just correcting you

From what I got of it, he started an argument stating that if everyone abstained before marriage, stds would be eliminated completely. It wasn't really nice to push your ideals on people and criticize them for not following them

i proposed a "what if" scenario and explained how it would work. i made an aggressive entry into the thread. this apparently drew attention from my scenario. here we are.

it is a hypothetical. i was explaining how it would work. this is not pushing my ideals. this is defending its functionality. i defended its functionality in a personal manner. here we are.

After he was confronted with quotes of him doing exactly what he was condemning, he tried to justify it by basically saying eye for an eye.

i responded in kind. i am not aggressive to people who are not aggressive. this post is not aggressive because i am not responding to aggressive posts.

If your values are uneducated and baseless beliefs

they are not baseless beliefs. the hypothetical functions. it only works if people participate voluntarily. i am not forcing anyone to do this. i am explaining what would happen if people did. that this discussion has been drawn out ten pages down some rabbit hole is silly.

that you think i should do more research when my hypothesis functions is silly. i am assuming that people are entirely willing to participate. this is not the case. i never said it was. this entire purpose of this discussion was to be a "what if?" discussion, not a "everyone should" discussion. apparently it has been derailed.

you're STILL using all-caps responses because you're inCIAting your point is correct

no. there have been two lines of capital letters in the past 5 pages.

Pretty sure the ones looking in can tell who won or not. Pretty sure being in the argument has a cause for bias, which is why you're so loving stingy.

you've made it pretty obvious what your stance is. of course you think i lost.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 04:21:38 PM by Kearn »