Author Topic: My Dropbox was reported by Joshua "IcyGamma" Liddle  (Read 22800 times)

Ah so Icygamma is a blocklander. Could have told me that.
I'm into space games and FPS right now. Humble Bundles are very distracting too.

Sounds like you're really making a lot of your life! Good job!

Boltster I'm not going to lie you are pretty clingy with Icy.

he must be a liddle annoyed

any idea how I could get my account reactivated?
I remember reading this but I forgot it, now I loving love you.

Ah so Icygamma is a blocklander. Could have told me that.

This is a great example of the Liddle Streisand Effect.

I'm going to read this thing from start to finish. I'll have a little rating here that goes from 1 to 10 which describes how cringe-worthy I find it. I'll edit it as the time passes.

I'm at Chapter 2 and it's already at 3.


EDIT1: Holy stuff.


EDIT2: "IcyGamma believed a lot in doing what is right, and what is ethical. He did not see the
Internet in a way that many others do. He saw the people sitting behind the computers. He
saw the human side to each user. And he could not tolerate anything that was unfair or
unjustified. He writes about how this made him an angry person on the forum."

Jesus diaper wearing christ. This part alone raised the cringe-o-meter up to 8/10.

EDIT3: It's been 10 loving seconds and it's at 10/10 now because of this shining piece of gold:

"“I quickly realized the forums were just full of idiots. Nobody speaks sense. Nobody uses
rational reasoning, or quality logic. Nobody tries to understand each other. Nobody tries to
be fair to each other. Everyone is just a massive childish starfish thinking that being
unnecessarily critical and posting half baked opinions makes them appear intellectual.”
IcyGamma wrote, fuming."

IcyGamma needs to stop taking himself so seriously lol. I know he wants to live in his dream world where he is the Steve Jobs of Blockland and needs to write an autobiography about himself to show how important he is, but jesus man. This is just embarassing.

The fact that he claims someone else wrote it while it's so painfully obvious that it's him makes it even worse, seriously.

EDIT4: I am loving pissing myself.

“I made evented electronics what they are today. My ideas for how the screen should look
and work, how the keyboard should be laid out, and what basic features are expected from a
computer lasted even to this day. People still use aspects of the original IcyDesktop.”


"IcyGamma and Mack soon met together and formed an alliance. IcyGamma was playing
tactical. He hoped Mack might get bored of running the group and fail like so many clans
have in the past."

Wow what a mole! Infiltrating an organization hoping to tear it up...what a guy.

I'm at Chapter 8 now, will continue tomorrow.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 05:37:32 PM by Yosher »

i just read it and LOL
is really putting himself as the "steve jobs of blockland" or something