Author Topic: My Dropbox was reported by Joshua "IcyGamma" Liddle  (Read 22796 times)

icy is very cool just look how important and professional and how he wrights paragraphs! also his avatar is a guy wearing a suit! he must be cool and boltser is just trying to undermine his authority! and hes so cool some guy wrote a biography of him! wow so important and cool and not trying very hard to be an egotistic cunt who just wont stop! right, guys? ...right?

icy is very cool just look how important and professional and how he wrights paragraphs! also his avatar is a guy wearing a suit! he must be cool and boltser is just trying to undermine his authority! and hes so cool some guy wrote a biography of him! wow so important and cool and not trying very hard to be an egotistic cunt who just wont stop! right, guys? ...right?

Yeah thats usually what it ends up as.

The drama is more fun than the bio itself so that is what really outlives it.

Why can't people just forget about this and move on.

ah we're all laughing at icygamma again


that was fun, i think i'll do some more tomorrow.

Right, I forgot we're the scum of the internet. Thanks for the reminder. I'll remember not to contribute to these threads in the future.

I obtained it lol I didnt see the links in the topic.

Uh no, I revealed this a lonnng time a go.

Its really not as interesting as you wish it were.
Everything you reveal is bullstuff because you'll always cover your ass with ridiculous stories and tales whenever your antics make the community turn against you. The whole reason you're even back on the forums was because you saw an open opportunity to involve yourself with drama again. This is ignoring the other prudent assumption, which is that you filed a DMCA claim against OP so that you could conveniently show up in this thread and return to 'set things straight'.

You've waited for an opportune moment to come back to the forums like some sort of disease waiting for open skin, vulnerable to infection. Now you're back spewing this same farcical bullstuff about how you're some genius puppetmaster/artist who conned all the sheep into believing that your massive, 20,000 something word autobiography was an elaborate, time-consuming ploy for a Machinima or something. This is the same pattern that follows all of your content. You release sub-par material that unexpectedly receives poor critical reception, so you rationalize it as 'ironic humor' or in this case, an elaborate social experiment designed to fool the gullible Blockland community.

The clear answer here is that you really have no talent. The reason why you keep coming back to these forums is because the closest you've gotten to critical recognition or attention for your work is from the younger age-base of an online LEGO game. Unfortunately, you've managed to forget that up by permanently dismantling your reputation on these forums through your drama and 'elaborate social experiments'. So I ask you, on behalf of most of the active community, will you just go away and get your attention from somewhere else?

Well, again, its really not that interesting SeventhSandwich. Maybe it should have been, but it isn't.

I don't get why my antics are considered "work I take seriously" by you. Its all just for fun. The reason most of my "projects" never lasted long is because I got bored of them pretty quickly.

i just read it and LOL
is really putting himself as the "steve jobs of blockland" or something

Well, again, its really not that interesting SeventhSandwich. Maybe it should have been, but it isn't.

I don't get why my antics are considered "work I take seriously" by you. Its all just for fun. The reason most of my "projects" never lasted long is because I got bored of them pretty quickly.
I seriously doubt you have a second body of much higher quality artwork located elsewhere, since you'd be the first one to flaunt it all over these forums.

Its all just for fun.
you must be really loving bored to write an autobiography

you must be really loving bored to write an autobiography

If you read it, you'll find its just short mentions of things that happened in Blockland. Its not elaborate at all. Was going to be used as directions for the machinima.

The Taking of Isar had no script. We just winged it, as you can probably tell. I think I wrote one page and then never used it.

I seriously doubt you have a second body of much higher quality artwork located elsewhere, since you'd be the first one to flaunt it all over these forums.

Are you implying my short videos are high quality artwork? Well, that is interesting.

Are you implying my short videos are high quality artwork? Well, that is interesting.