Author Topic: My Dropbox was reported by Joshua "IcyGamma" Liddle  (Read 20914 times)

I don't think you understand my position in this thread. I am attacking Icy's character, not his DMCA claim (regardless of how stupid and pointless it was). This is why it's helpful to read the thread and figure out where I'm coming from before you regurgitate the same thing that people have already noted in this thread(that Icy has the legal right to file a DMCA claim).
You are citing arguments from years and years ago. You're basing my character off of things I've written online when I was 12 or 13. You are presumably a legal adult now. Need I say more?
Your extensive history of other bullstuff similar to this doesn't lend credence to your story. You can't just 'set the record straight' when you have an abysmal reputation for being 'straight' with this community.

Icy has a nice character though, a bit hairy, but nice! It seems like you are on a goose chase, you won't accomplish anything by this. Oh well, it's your time to waste.
I love me some Catherine Tate. Who is William Alexander?

If criticizing someone's character constitutes flaming, then you and virtually every other member of this forum should be permanently banned by now.
Me thinks you are letting a personal vendetta cloud your reasoning, a sensible person would have realized this is a fruitless endeavor and stopped by now. It would certainly save you the time and effort you are expending upon this venture.

I love me some Catherine Tate. Who is William Alexander?


It was sold to Warner Brothers. Frontrox and I have agreed it will be a stellar cast of "Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, and Nicholas Cage in a wig".
Their most trying roles.

Me thinks you are letting a personal vendetta cloud your reasoning, a sensible person would have realized this is a fruitless endeavor and stopped by now. It would certainly save you the time and effort you are expending upon this venture.
What makes you say this is fruitless? IcyGamma has essentially admitted to filing the DMCA claim (which he lied about earlier), and through the discussion it's become clear to everyone that his rationale is BS. Sounds like it was a pretty productive discussion after all.

Also, "expending upon this venture"? Seriously?

Icy has a nice character though, a bit hairy, but nice!
Gotta say, I'm super impressed that you're able to assess Icy's character within a 3-day old thread better than someone whose witnessed Icy's antics first hand over the last few years.

What makes you say this is fruitless? IcyGamma has essentially admitted to filing the DMCA claim (which he lied about earlier), and through the discussion it's become clear to everyone that his rationale is BS. Sounds like it was a pretty productive discussion after all.

Also, "expending upon this venture"? Seriously?
Gotta say, I'm super impressed that you're able to assess Icy's character within a 3-day old thread better than someone whose witnessed Icy's antics first hand over the last few years.
If you deem it a worthy cause, by all means continue. Ty. I've been friends with icy for years, this was not a random meet and greet. He has yet to me let me stroke his beard, maybe one day.

If you deem it a worthy cause, by all means continue.
Whatever you say, Shakespeare.

Whatever you say, Shakespeare.
Do you have nothing else to say other than to belittle my style of writing? I am ashamed to say I didn't think you would dive that low, yet you proved me wrong.

Doth thou possess no retort lest ye belittle my style of writing? Fie! Ashamed am I to say I didn't think you would dive that low, yet thou hast proveth-ed me wrong. I bite my thumb at thee, sire.

Isn't Emo Freak that pervert who keeps posting topless selfies in the PRLPOY thread?

IcyGamma, if you truly intended for your ""biography"" to be just a teaser for some larger project, why didn't you say so like a year and a half ago when you first posted it? Even after 40+ pages of drama, you never said that you had written it or that it was part of a bigger anything.

I apologize if you have explained why already; I did a cursory scan of the thread so far and found nothing.

This is actually very encouraging. I may write my own biography, entitled "Muslim: From Jihadi to Post Whore".

This happened about one and a bit years a go, the only things I have left are builds from v8 that were going to be used and an editable of the bio somewhere probably.
so... where is it? SHOW US.

hey muslim you could write it.
and I could make the topic for it and claim to have made it. cuz I'm a fan and that would make you look good.

If I had one stone to kill three birds there would be no more IcyGamma, SeventhSandwich, and the ugliest bird of them all- Emo Freak.