Author Topic: I just had a thought about our community.  (Read 1813 times)

With the release of Steam I was discussing with one of my friends about how it feels as if we are going to have a new generation of Blocklanders swarming in.

Then I began thinking.

When i was young, and i joined the community, as well with many others, I sorta learned from the older members and I bet some of you guys have as well.

They taught us how to fit in, how to build, how to modify the game and all kinds of good stuff (and even some bad stuff too)

But now that the older members have moved on to other things, (most of them anyways) and we have gotten older, that we are now the ones who are going to be shaping and forming these newcomers to our community, in fact maybe even better than before.

Before we were the students and we learned from our mentors, now we are the mentors and we teach the students and they will do the same.

Cheers to the new wave of Blockland users, may your time here be a great one and I wish the best of luck to what you will bring to this game and the community!

I think you're reading the graph wrong

We can mould them into our own army of super soldiers.
My friends, the time has come to fight.

Seems we've just about doubled already..
Not really, but holy stuff almost 900 new players in less than a day!

We usually get like 10 a whole day!

I feel this needs a bump :I


And forget yeah, the community has doubled!

i never thouht we'd get so many people just after the steam release, without any advertisement

I'm actually not very surprised.

please read the graph correctly. we have not doubled, the rate of growth has doubled.

Doubled growth is a slight understatement.

Doubled growth is a slight understatement.
oop, you're right. growth went from <30 to ~2000

Graphs aren't really that hard

Yesterday I was seeing 61k's and today I'm seeing almost 66k's. :o

okay who has 66666?

EDIT: Blockhead66667 has it!

I know. A lot of users who joined before we went on Steam are really doing a great job at mentoring new Blockheads. I'm quite frankly surprised how well we are helping out newer players as a community.